
World Earth Day: Calculate your own carbon footprint with the carbon calculator

Photo: Mastercard

The results of a new sustainability survey commissioned by Mastercard reveal a significant increase in consumer environmental awareness as a result of the COVID-19 virus. Almost half of the Europeans questioned therefore believe that reducing their carbon footprint is even more important now than before the pandemic.

The results thus indicate an increasing trend in the direction ecologically aware spending and consumption , whereby individuals want to turn their actions into measures to help our planet. Company Mastercard has developed Mastercard Carbon Calculator. o tool is already integrated into Mastercard's global network and enables banks to adopt and adapt measures to address the needs of environmentally conscious consumers who want additional insight into their spending. The calculator offers access to carbon impact data and offers to individuals in simple ways contribute to the preservation of the environment.

Carbon calculator gives consumers insight into the carbon emissions they create through their purchases. In calculations, the calculator uses the technology of an independently verified index, and the data can be improved with comparable and easy comprehensible equivalents (such as the number of trees needed to absorb the appropriate amount of CO2) and tips for a more sustainable lifestyle. Consumers also have the opportunity to contribute to the coalition's reforestation projects Priceless planet coalition – both with direct ones donations or by using their banks' loyalty rewards programs.

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