
World record in swing jumping

Jumping the seesaw

Did you know there is a world championship in seesaw jumping? We played with the swing as children, and many people still use it as a sports prop. Jumping a seesaw helps improve endurance, strength, speed and coordination. It's an aerobic activity, so it's great for burning calories. We don't know how much was spent by the Hong Kong boys who set the world record in the team vaulting of two seesaws, but we do know that they made 671.5 vaults in three minutes!!!

Jumping the seesaw it is not just a child's game or a leisure activity, it is also extraordinary serious sports discipline with his World Cup. Recently, this was held in the city Malmö, Sweden, where the recording comes from world record in jumping the seesaw or as many as two.

These guys cut their bread with a rocker.
These guys cut their bread with a rocker.

It's about you skipping Double Dutch, which counts four members, the boys of the team Hong Kong Jump Rope Skipping Academy but they showed us how things are served. They made as many as 671.5 jumps in three minutes and thereby set a new world record. The world speed record in swing jumping is held by baby teeth Cen Chaolin, who jumped the seesaw in half a minute 108 times, and completed 548 jumps in three.

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The cradle is a versatile accessory that not only strengthens the heart, muscles and bones, and promotes weight loss, but also improves coordination, agility, responsiveness, explosiveness and rhythm.

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