
Now you can buy fake news newspapers and magazines. Would you recognize them?

With the flood of fake news that finds its way into the media every day, it can be difficult to determine what is true and what is not. There is no end in sight to deceiving the public, so it is absolutely necessary to educate them about it.

An interesting campaign was carried out by two magazines Columbia Journalism Review and creative agency TBWA\Chiat\Day New York, which people strive for raise awareness of the dangers of fake news.

Newsstand in New York have furnished with many newspapers and magazines on which they are printed fake news headlines from various websites.

Do these news headlines sound familiar?
Do these news headlines sound familiar?

The titles have absurd and downright funny content. Among them, for example, was the title "Trump claims America should have never given Canada its independence” or “Trump Claims United States Should Never Recognize Canada's Independence'.

Fake news has become part of everyday life.
Fake news has become part of everyday life.

It can be found on the stand and a number of other attention-grabbing titles. Passers-by were handed out at the official event guides to identify this type of news, which are helpful in distinguishing between real and fake.

People need to learn to distinguish between real and fake.
People need to learn to distinguish between real and fake.

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