
Are you the child of a toxic mother? Is your mom a toxic mom? Such mothers destroy the psyche of their children!

Is your mom a toxic mom?

toksična mama
Photo: envato elements

Is your mom a toxic mom? As long as we believe in universal motherly love—a myth that our culture actively supports—we will fail to see the true power our parents have over us. We like to think of mothers as women who protect us, as beautiful and self-sacrificing women, but is that always the case? Find out Are you a child of a toxic mother?

Motherhood is often perceived as a saint - an image of unwavering love and eternal support. However, the reality is often more complex. Research shows that the role of the mother goes deep into the formation of the child's personality, values and even his future. Renowned psychologists, such as Diana Baumrind, have developed theories about parenting styles that reveal how different parenting approaches affect a child's emotional and social development. Her findings show that an authoritative parenting style that combines warmth and understanding with clear expectations leads to more confident and adaptable individuals. On the other hand, authoritarian or permissive parenting styles can lead to various emotional and behavioral problems in children. In this article, we will explore how the mother's role, from lovingly protective to potentially toxic, can shape a child's perception of the world and their interpersonal relationships.

Is your mom a toxic mom? Are you the child of a toxic mother?

  1. Creating guilt and shame: Words uttered by the mother, such as "You always ..." or "You never ..." are strongly imprinted on the child's consciousness. This constant criticism and blaming can trigger feelings of guilt and shame in a child that last a lifetime. That's what a toxic mom is like.
  2. The role of the victim: Some mothers are transformed into the role of victim, whereby the child feels immense responsibility and guilt for the mother's suffering. This dynamic can persist even into adulthood, which makes it difficult for the child's independence and development.
  3. Game of crushes: When a mother favors one child, the others feel rejected and unequal. This bias can have lasting effects on a child's interpersonal relationships and self-image.
  4. Passive aggression: Passive aggression, such as indirect criticism of the other parent, can trigger confusion and feelings of helplessness in the child. The child learns that conflicts are resolved by covert methods, which can affect his future interpersonal relationships.
  5. Psychological manipulation: Manipulating a child can have a long-term effect on their ability to trust their own feelings and decisions. A child can learn that their feelings and thoughts are not valid.
  6. Humiliation and ridicule: Ridiculing and humiliating a child with words or actions can cause deep wounds in the child's self-image and self-esteem. This is a toxic mother.
  7. Sacrificial lamb: If one child is always singled out as the culprit for all problems, this can lead to the development of feelings of unwelcomeness and isolation.
  8. Silence as the worst punishment: Silence or ignoring the child by the mother can have long-lasting emotional consequences, as the child feels deeply rejected and isolated. That's what a toxic mom is like.
Photo: envato elements

In the light of collected research and expert findings, it becomes clear that motherhood represents significantly more than just selfless love and care. The role of the mother has a strong and direct influence on the emotional, psychological and social development of the child. Authoritative parenting style, which combines warmth, support, and clearly defined boundaries, has been shown to be most effective in developing healthy, confident, and adaptable individuals, as evidenced by research such as that conducted by Diana Baumrind. Conversely, authoritarian, permissive, or manipulative parenting styles can lead to developmental problems such as anxiety, depression, and difficulty forming healthy interpersonal relationships.

As a society, we must pay attention to these findings and promote educational practices that support the healthy development of children. Acknowledging the complexity of the mother's role and its many dimensions is key to understanding the dynamics of family life and to designing better strategies to support families. Ultimately, understanding and taking these findings into account is key to ensuring that the next generation grows up in a healthier and more supportive environment. That's the kind of toxic mom we need to recognize!

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