
Got a sunburn? You absolutely must not do this!

How to properly act after sunburn for healthy skin

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Got a sunburn? We are in summer, the time when we all want to enjoy the sun and feel the warmth on our skin. But dermatologists warn us that sunburn is not a negligible problem that should be underestimated. Exposure to the sun can have long-term effects on our skin, and it is especially worrying if we experience sunburn during adolescence.

Dermatologists all share their expert opinions on what to do after a sunburn to keep your skin healthy. So – got sunburned?

The key is to know that there is no "safe" time to be in the sun. Any tanning of the skin is a defense mechanism of the skin, and redness of the skin after sunbathing increases the risk of developing melanoma, a very dangerous form of skin cancer.

The main thing that most people do wrong and should never do after a sunburn is removing the flaky skin. This can lead to serious complications, including infections, scarring and changes in skin pigmentation. Instead, it is necessary to treat it as if it were a burn and treat the skin accordingly.

Dermatologist recommends use special ointment intended for the treatment of burns in order to alleviate the symptoms and accelerate the faster recovery of the skin. In the event that the excess skin begins to peel off, a precise incision can be made with sterile scissors. However, it is extremely important to be careful and precise in order not to cause additional problems.

Pay special attention to the skin of teenagers and children, as the sun's rays are particularly harmful to their delicate skin. Burns that cause the skin to drain are classified as second degree and increase the risk of developing skin cancer. Adults should provide children with additional sun protection, such as UV-protective clothing, hats, and high-SPF sunscreens.

In order to preserve the health of our skin, we must be aware of the risks of sunburn and educate ourselves about proper behavior after exposure to the sun. It is important to use sun protection, avoid sunbathing during the hottest part of the day and regularly check changes in the skin in order to notice any abnormalities in time.

Let's keep our skin healthy and enjoy the sun responsibly, realizing that there is no safe time to sunbathe. Let's pay attention to the risks and protect ourselves and our little ones from the dangerous consequences of sunburn. Healthy and well-nourished skin is the most beautiful expression of our concern for our health.

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