
Should you floss or brush your teeth first?

Flossing and brushing are the basics of dental hygiene, which contribute to maintaining healthy teeth. However, are you doing it in the right order? Floss and then brush or brush and floss?

Some people are they only brush their teeth in the morning, others want it to be their breath clean before bed. But there are also such individuals, who clean their 'treasure' after every meal. About the positive effects brushing and flossing don't even need to be discussed. But it certainly makes sense to say a word more about what is the sequence when you do this daily task. Or rather you brush your teeth and then floss? Or vice versa?

Should you floss or brush your teeth first?
Should you floss or brush your teeth first?

V new research on the effect of order (brushing or flossing) on limiting plaque and fluoride accumulation were analyzed 25 participants, which are in different periods tried both methods of cleaning the teeth. They found that it was flossing before brushing is preferable, because so you reduce interdental plaque and increase the fluoride concentration in the interdental ring.

Flossing before brushing!
Flossing before brushing!

So those who prefer brushing to flossing, you will have to obviously adapt to the new way of brushing teeth. However, it is as long as you take care of your dental hygiene, irrelevant, on how do you approach this process – what matters, say scientists, is that you are consistent with your (morning or night) routine.

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