
Your skin is your life story - so very unique

Dove dictionary

Photo: envato

Changes and special marks on the skin are not defects, but rather make us unique. They are the source of memories. Stretch marks, wrinkles, tattoos, scars, capillaries and marks - all these are traces of time, experiences, memories, life turns and stories that make us who we are today, stories that built us.

Considering that all our life experiences are recorded on the skin, we can say that the skin is our life map, on which each mark hides a life story. These stories, written behind the marks on our skin, have made us who we are today - unique - and therefore should be the source of our confidence, not insecurity.

Photo: envato

To encourage us to proudly speak about the stories written on our skin this summer Dove published a special dictionary. In it, words and concepts have acquired a completely new meaning from that recorded in the dictionary of the Slovenian literary language. According to the "Dove Dictionary" it is fold indicator of wisdom capillaries are lifelines, a scar is proof of a fearless spirit, stretch marks but good luck. The goal of the "Dove Dictionary" is to enrich our personal dictionary and teach us to speak well of our skin and to love it.

Maybe freckles you will no longer cover with powder, because they will remind you of wonderful summer vacations. C-section scars you won't hide anything in a one-piece swimsuit anymore, because it tells an emotional story about the day you became a mother. You may no longer avoid wearing a short skirt and pants because of it stretch marks on thighs, because they are proof of your growth and development.

Dove urges all women to Web site share their unique stories, as some of the most beautiful ones will also be awarded. On social networks, you can follow these stories by keywords #If My Skin Could Talk and #LoveIsMySkins.

Our skin is unique and we must love it. We show our love to her with care, and in this way we also care for our memories.

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