
Does your pasta always stick or overcook? Use chef's tricks for pasta, like from an Italian restaurant!

Prepare the pasta this way and you will have a perfect paste

Photo: Pexels / Polina Tankilevitch

Have you ever wondered why your pasta looks more like a sticky pile of disaster than the product of a fine Italian kitchen? Well, the solution is simple - follow these cooking tricks and your pasta will become the star of the evening, not just something that rolls around on the plate.

Pasta can't be tasty if you haven't cooked the pasta well. If it falls apart, is not well cooked or sticks together, the dish will not taste good. However, you can prevent this. It is important to cook the pasta in a large enough pot and to follow the following cooking tricks:

  • First, don't throw the pasta into the pot until the water is boiling like your Monday morning patience. This step is so basic that even your pet should know it (if it had thumbs, of course).
  • Second, salt your pasta water like you would salt the bitter tears you shed when you realize the pasta is tasteless. And remember - if you skip this, adding salt to the dish later is like trying to save a sunken ship with a teaspoon.
  • Speaking of stirring - when you throw the pasta in the water, stir it like your future depends on it. The start of cooking is critical, because pasta likes to stick together like teenagers on a first date.
  • And then – the sauce. Have it ready as your excuse for why you're late for work when the pasta is cooked. If the pasta waits for the sauce, it will stick like your Friday night plans that never come to fruition.
  • And finally, if the sauce lags behind, don't drain the pasta until dry. Leave some of your "soup pool" for her, return it to the pot and cover it so it doesn't dry out. It's like giving pasta a blanket to wait for its sauce date.
Photo: Pexels / Polina Tankilevitch

Now get to work - your pasta is waiting for you to turn it from a kitchen failure into a masterpiece worthy of an Italian restaurant!

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