
This is how a strong woman heals her heart...

For a strong woman, love is something sacred. When he loves, he loves fully, he knows no intermediate stage. Love is something really precious to her, something she can't give to everyone. She is dedicated and sticks to her principles. But sometimes he gets lost in love because he gives himself completely... to the point where he forgets himself and loses – himself.

You came into her life unexpectedly and she loved you with all her heart. She loved and loved until she realized that you took her for granted, that you were someone who didn't understand how to love her. She knew she had to leave. Then her heart broke, shattered into tiny pieces, with every word, with every action, with a message, with a silence—again and again.

When a strong woman's heart is broken, the first thing she will do is to be she looked for reasons for failure within herself. She will not blame the person who broke her. Because she doesn't put the blame on others, but takes responsibility for her mistakes, it makes her strong.

First, she will ask herself, why she trusted you and why she didn't trust her intuition. She will analyze why she fell in love with you and how she was able to miss the signs that told her you were not who she thought you were. That you are like her. That you are part of her soul.

She won't show her feelings to anyone, she will cry and scream inside herself. No one will even suspect that something is happening in it. When she is ready, she may start talking about her pain to the person she trusts the most. But he probably won't, because he knows he'll be fine soon. She will not share her pain, as she does not seek attention from others and does not need false comfort.

She will not show her emotions to anyone, she will cry and scream inside herself.
She will not show her emotions to anyone, she will cry and scream inside herself.

When her heart breaks, she knows that no one else can mend her heart - except herself.

When she forgets you, she will move forward step by step, because she will look for something positive in everything. Although it will be difficult for her, she will turn the pain into something more meaningful in her life. He fully understands that he must not give in to pain, but he must continue his journey. Pain will become an incentive to achieve her goals and pursue her deepest passion.

When a strong woman has a broken heart, he's looking for life lessons in this, not drama. The next time she makes love, she will understand her needs and expectations more easily. Something is definitely true, a strong woman will never go back to the person who broke her heart, because she understands that she cannot get happiness in the same place where she lost it. She will have a hard time forgiving herself for letting herself down, for giving her heart to the wrong person and believing in an illusion about someone. Instead of seeing him as he really is.

It will be scary to love her again and above all to trust her. She will rebuild her walls around herself. It will take her a long time to accept the fact that she made a mistake and to be able to love again.

She fully understands that she cannot be afraid forever, and she knows that love is always accompanied by the danger of being hurt, wounded, broken, disappointed again. He knows that he just has to rely and believe in himself. She will forgive herself, slowly and open her heart again to another person who will fill her life.

When a strong woman has a broken heart, it doesn't make her weak, but it makes her even stronger than she could have ever imagined she could be.

"The heart has its own reasons that the mind does not understand. We discover this in thousands of things." – B. Pascal

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