
You've been using the dishwasher wrong all your life

Have you ever rinsed the dishes with water before putting them in the dishwasher? This is logical in its own right, because in this way you remove most of the dirt yourself. Nevertheless, it turned out that doing so is not correct.

If the article published on the website is to be believed MyRecipes, you are have been using the dishwasher incorrectly all their lives. This was already reported in 2015 by to the Wall Street Journal.

The brand also advises against rinsing the container with water Cascade, which manufactures dishwashing detergent and is owned by a corporation Procter & Gamble. This recommends that you only remove from the dishes before washing larger pieces of food.

Experts advise against pre-rinsing the dishes.
Experts advise against pre-rinsing the dishes.

Why is this so? Enzymes, found in most detergents, work by attach to food particles. If you remove the latter beforehand, they can't do their job as well.

Enzymes bind to pieces of food.
Enzymes bind to pieces of food.

Not even a fan of flushing Casey Tubman, who serves the corporation Whirlpool. At the same time, he points out that you will be using manual flushing used more water than during the entire dishwashing cycle. In this way, you will not only harm the environment, but also your wallet.

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