
Znanstival 2015 – Ljubljana once again the capital of science in June

Science Festival 2015

Scientific adventures, scientific performances, daring experiments, popular science lectures, a garden of experiments and a discount for the House of Experiments, all this will take place in Ljubljana, on bridges, squares and in the House of Experiments between June 5 and 7, 2015. A three-day event dedicated to the promotion of science and education, like A Man Don't Get Angry, is aimed at everyone, and the "entrance fee" is curiosity. The festival is otherwise free.

Important information
Prešeren square, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free of charge

Science Festival 2015 will be one more chance to do so younger, who are still involved in institutional education, as older, satisfy their curiosity, because they will scientific adventures lined up next to each other. A case of a unique event in the world, which will fill the day with a bunch of interesting and daring experiments on a certain scientific topic, in which visitors will not be mere silent observers. They will present the adventures local and also lecturers, which will be translated simultaneously.

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The feeling of weightlessness cannot be experienced only in Xevto, at NASA or in space.
The feeling of weightlessness cannot be experienced only in Xevto, at NASA or in space.

They will also be part of Znanstival 2015 workshops, where visitors will make interesting things from simple objects such as an airplane, a volcano, a hovercraft, a spectroscope, etc. Scientific and promotional lectures will mostly take place in Houses of Experiments, while they will scientific performances took place on Saturday at Prešeren square. On you the garden of experiments there will be "growing" stands where institutions that, according to the organizer, i.e. the House of Experiments, are successful in promoting education and science will be presented.

It will also be hot at this year's Science Fair.
It will also be hot at this year's Science Fair.

Although it will the first weekend of June in Ljubljana everything is about science, but we hope that at least we have not made a whole science out of the presentation of the festival. If so, you can read more about it here: znanstival.si

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Program of the 2015 Science Festival:

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