
Zoe Saldana wears Slovenian jewelry in the movie about Nina Simone!

Slovenian jewelry in the film about Nina Simone

The film about Nina Simone, an American jazz and soul singer and activist, is raising a lot of dust abroad because of the artificially darkened skin of the actress Zoe Saldana, but in our country the film Nina is being talked about because of the Slovenian Bojana Kovačič Zemljič, recognizable in the fashion world for the design of E2RD fashion jewelry. who contributed jewelry to the Hollywood biography!

Did you know that actress Zoe Saldana, which in the film Nina plays Nina Simone, wears Slovenian jewelry? It is jewelry by an artist from Maribor Bojane Kovačič Zemljič (she also has her own boutique store in Maribor), who approached the Hollywood film purely by chance.

Zoe Soldana as Nina Simone in Nina. In this scene, she wears Slovenian earrings.
Zoe Soldana as Nina Simone in Nina. In this scene, she wears Slovenian earrings.

Film director Cynthia Mort namely, she ended up with her piece of jewelry in the studio where they were working on the Nina project, which caught the screenwriter's eye. She first thought of this piece for herself, but soon they turned to Bojana for jewelry for the film as well. Zoe Soldana wears it like this in the movie two of her chains and a quartet of earrings.

READ MORE: Movie trailer: Nina (2016)

In Slovenia, we pay attention to the film Nina mainly because of the Slovenian jewelry, while abroad they "sang" about the darkened complexion of the actress Zoe Saldana.
We pay attention to the film Nina in Slovenia mainly because of the Slovenian jewelry, while abroad they "sung" for the darkened complexion of the actress Zoe Saldana.

Four pieces is more than not replicas of the originals worn by the American woman, and some by Kovačič Zemlječevi were also allowed in the project artistic freedom. They grew out of the film project two collections. There is one of gold and silver and is indeed an authentic version of the jewelry that Nina Simone really wore, while the second collection is designed with 3D technology and with a slightly more modern approach.

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