
Ben Dahlhaus - this is the sexiest (bearded) model in the world

He's probably the sexiest man alive right now: women all over the world are swooning over his long, unkempt beard and chiseled frame. He also has "that something" that separates him from other men and presents him not only as an object of desire. This is Swedish bearded model Ben Dahlhaus.

"His sad face is hotter than your hottest face”, they wrote and many agreed. Although Ben Dahlhaus has all the qualities a hipster (beard, earplugs), we think it works its way. Little is known about this handsome gentleman (other than his name and nationality), but the mystery makes him even more fascinating.

READ MORE: Incredibeard, the man with the world's most versatile beard

Swedish model Ben Dahlhaus.
Swedish model Ben Dahlhaus.

He recently filmed a campaign for Brathwait luxury watches, including lifestyle photography and art video. With a renowned photographer Esro Sam were filmed in Germany. Several international publications wrote articles about Ben's unique appearance and the campaign became viral.

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