
Sexual fasting: Should you also fast during sex?

Sexual fasting? Fasting certainly does not smell good to everyone. It is hard for us to imagine giving up something that we love the most. Be it food or... sex. The single person who cuts sex out of their lives and focuses on other priorities is a common figure in our cultural consciousness. But deliberately reducing sex in a relationship is counterproductive. Nevertheless, there are valid reasons to choose to fast even when having sex in a relationship.

So why should you fast even when having sex in a relationship?

For some, fasting will be a great irritation because they will not be able to get what they want. That's why they will be their partner wanted even more. And this is an especially welcome effect if our sex has become routine. At the same time, fasting for sex reminds us that there are many other good ways to be with our partner intimate. Just a touch or a kiss will make it much more intense.
If we put sex aside for a while, we will regain the strength for other game modes (depending on what the rules of our fasting are) without reaching orgasm or making it possible for our partner, which will reduce the feeling of anxiety. The time we would have otherwise devoted to sex can now be spent on conversation about, what we want in bed, and thus perhaps break the vicious cycle of same-sex positions that have brought routine into our bed.

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So if we decide to fast during sex, how long should it last?

It depends on the individual couple - you have to take the time that usually passes between one and the other sexual intercourse, and then that multiply by three. So if we have sex once a week, in principle we should fast for three weeks.
The main difference between fasting sex and dead sex life is purpose. When a couple starts to stop having sex, it's usually because of a lack of communication. Fasting, on the other hand, is a pre-planned joint adventure during which we will talk and cuddle without worry, while at the same time getting closer get to know our intimate life and took care of even more exciting sex at the end.

Who would have thought that going a few weeks without sex could be so sexy?

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