
1 in 10 millennials would rather lose a finger than a phone. Are you addicted too?

Technology does indeed contribute to the progress of mankind, but that does not mean that it does not have bad qualities. Addiction to smartphones, which is becoming more and more difficult to control, certainly falls into this category.

Tappable conducted a survey, the results of which showed that it would one in ten millennials would rather lose a finger than a phone. 500 respondents, old between 18 and 34 years, answered questions about what they are willing to give up in order to keep their phone.

38 % respondents would give up drinking alcohol for the love of their phone, 15 % would sacrifice her sex life, while she would 23 % millennials rather lost one of the five human senses.

Are you too attached to your smartphone?
Are you too attached to your smartphone?

When does the tendency to use a smartphone often turn into an addiction? Hillary Cash, doctor of psychology and co-founder of the treatment center ReSTART Internet Addiction Recovery Program, warns of worrying signs of technological addiction:

  • constant checking of messages
  • posting statuses and photos frequently
  • the euphoric feeling of surfing the web
  • withdrawal from social life
  • lack of interest in activities that do not use technological devices
  • feeling cramped in the absence of internal access
Spend time in nature with friends rather than on the phone.
Spend time in nature with friends rather than on the phone.

Technology addiction is often associated with other psychological problems, such as depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. If you recognize the mentioned symptoms in yourself or someone close to you, we suggest that you seek help quickly.

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