
10 nutrition tricks used by the fittest people in the world

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Photo: envato

These are nutritional tricks to follow for a healthy life and good digestion.

You diet tricks, which we found on the Reader's Digest platform, can be helpful if you want to upgrade your balanced diet with even healthier eating habits.

#1 Start meals with soup

Soup is the secret weapon for staying slim. A 2014 study showed that those who regularly eat soup before meals lower weight from those who avoid it. The soup ensures the intake of liquid and vegetable fibers, and at the same time partially fills us up, so that we don't go hungry for the main meal.

Diet tricks
Photo: Unsplash/Eiliv Aceron

#2 Breakfast with fiber

One of the best tips for healthy eating is to start your day with plenty of fiber. People who eat high-fiber cereals are 80 percent more likely to get enough daily fiber. This means replacing white flour products with whole grains and adding some fruit.

#3 Peanut butter

Peanut butter increases the quality and quantity of protein, and it is also nutritious enough to saturate our body. Choose those with a lower salt and sugar content.

Diet tricks
Photo: Unsplash/Caju Gomes

#4 Batman's menu

Want your kids to start munching on carrots instead of cookies? Ask them, “What would Batman eat?” Cornell University researchers find that this simple question encourages children to make healthier food choices. When the researchers asked the question and offered the children a choice between apple slices or chips, 45 percent chose apples.

#5 Smoothies

When buying a ready-made smoothie, make sure it contains the whole fruit, not just the juice. Fruit juice lacks the important fiber you get from fresh fruit. In addition, the juice can damage your tooth enamel in the long run.

Photo: Unsplash/nadine Primeau

#6 Choose dark olive oil bottles

You can add olive oil to the list of foods for healthy eating without a bad conscience. Olive oil has a particularly high content of substances that lower the level of "bad" LDL cholesterol and fight against inflammation. Be careful! Light and heat can make oils go rancid, so dark bottles are best. In addition, when buying, pay attention to take home "extra virgin".

#7 Eat an apple before going to the store

Cornell University researchers randomly gave 120 people a piece of apple, cookie or they left them hungry. Those who received an apple bought 28 percent more fruit and vegetables than those who received a cookie, and 25 percent more than those who did not receive a snack.

Photo: Unsplash/Joseph Gonzales

#8 Let the chopped garlic rest

When the pod is crushed, an enzyme called allinase is released, which triggers the formation of disease-fighting compounds. Let the garlic rest for ten to 15 minutes after cutting or pressing. Cooking garlic cloves too quickly can inactivate the enzyme.

#9 Slice your pineapple

After six days in the refrigerator, diced pineapple loses 10 percent of vitamin C and 25 percent of carotenoids (antioxidants) compared to freshly cut fruit, the study found.

#10 Beware when dining in mixed company

Researchers from Cornell University observed adults at an Italian buffet for two weeks and recorded how much pizza and salad each person ate. Men who dined with a woman ate 93 percent more salad than if they dined with other men. The amount the women ate did not differ according to the gender of the companions.

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