
10 Modern Bad Habits You Should Quit

Nobody's perfect, and that's great! What a boring world it would be if we had nothing to worry about, right? However, there are quite a few habits that actually harm us and our health. The beginning of the new year is the right time to think about harmful habits and replace them with healthier ones.

10 modern bad habits, which you should stop:


Scientists from the university SC State University have proven that some types of candles are harmful to health, especially candles made of paraffin waxes. They contain chemicals such as alkenes, alkanes, acrolein, toluene, naphthalene and formaldehyde, which can cause various medical conditions. Even the wick of a candle can contain lead, which can cause poisoning. Fortunately, now most of the manufacturer uses zinc, cotton or synthetic fibers, which are much safer.
If you like candles, then choose those made from natural beeswax, honeycomb or soy. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to them before lighting them.

Choose natural candles.
Choose natural candles.

Frequent showers

It is a misconception that frequent showers are healthy. Scientists have discovered that this is just a myth. Frequent showering can actually destroy it microbiome, microorganisms that live on our body. This can lead to problems with the immune system, digestion, etc. Soaps, shower gels and shampoos often destroy ecosystem of our body, and showering too often can also cause acne.

Narrow (skinny) jeans

It's true that we look great in skinny jeans. Unfortunately, they are not so healthy. Scientists warn, that such jeans can worsen certain medical conditions, such as entrapment syndrome in the musculofascial box, meralgia paresthetica and heartburn. Although the risk is low, it may not be best to wear skinny jeans when you move around a lot.

Smartphone addiction

Dependence on the phone has gone so far that it is actually causing new diseases. For example, a syndrome Text Neck, caused by looking at a mobile phone. Symptoms include pain in the neck, shoulders and upper back. They are also on the list of negative effects anxiety and obesity.
But there are also some other dangers. A study showed that pedestrians who text while walking are four times more likely to be distracted, which means they ignore traffic lights, potentially creating dangerous situations for drivers, themselves and other pedestrians.

Smartphone addiction is by no means innocent.
Smartphone addiction is by no means innocent.

Crossed legs

Cross-legged is one of the most popular and comfortable sitting positions for women. There are quite a few myths about it and it is difficult to judge what is really harmful and what is not. Crossed legs can cause bad posture shoulder and neck pain. Sitting cross-legged can also cause temporary side effects such as numbness and increased blood pressure.
The most dangerous consequence of sitting with legs crossed is said to be deep vein thrombosis. This can cause severe and even chronic Health issues. To avoid this, move more, exercise and don't wear clothes that are too tight.

Sedentary lifestyle

We all know that life is movement. However, some people choose to relax and sit in front of the TV. A study showed that excessive TV watching and gaming can lead to muscle stiffness, shoulder blade displacement and an increased risk of epileptic seizures due to fatigue and lack of sleep.
Lack of activity can also lead to brittle bones. This is because our body needs to feel its own weight to build strong bones, which brings us back to the necessity of movement.

Sleeping on 'our side' or stomach

Although sleep seems to be the easiest and most natural thing in life, choosing the wrong position can harm our health. Experts they say sleeping on 'our side' or stomach is bad for us. According to this study, side sleeping is associated with shoulder pain and neck. If we sleep on our side, the shoulder must support most of our body weight. Sleeping on your stomach is said to be even worse, as you turn your head to the side, which again causes pain in the neck and shoulders. It can even cause  disc herniation.

Improper sleep can also be harmful to health.
Improper sleep can also be harmful to health.

Frequent sunbathing

Sunlight is actually UV radiation, which can be both beneficial and harmful. We all know that the sun helps produce vitamin D, but too much can cause it serious health problems. To be safe in the sun, experts they recommend applying sunscreen every two hours, about two tablespoons at a time. It should also be reapplied after swimming.

Lack of sleep

Ever since we were kids, our parents have been telling us that a good night's sleep is worth its weight in gold. It is healthy, it is pleasant and our bodies need their rest. But we are still not aware of all of them the dangers of lack of sleep. It reduces concentration and the sense of balance, increasing the risk of developing serious diseases. But we still believe that a few hours of sleep is enough for us and thus overlook the dangers we are getting ourselves into. In 2013, drowsy drivers caused 72 thousand traffic accidents, and unofficial statistics show that 6,000 cases are also fatal each year.

Closed posture

You may find a slouched posture comfortable, but have you ever considered the negative effects this poor body position has? It can harm ours digest contributes to headaches, can cause neck pain. Such an attitude also portrays us as less self-confident.

Have you ever thought about the effects that a closed posture has on your body?
Have you ever thought about the effects that a closed posture has on your body?

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