
26 photos that prove how cropping can completely change the story of a photo

Photo manipulation by cropping photos

Photoshop may be the most common way to change a photo's story, but photo cropping, that "low-tech" version of photo manipulation, can be just as effective. This technique works because our brain is constantly trying to understand what is happening around us. And when we see only part of the picture, we instinctively try to imagine what is around the frame. Do you think we are showing you dirty photos? Blame your brain, not us!

Today, there is practically no photo that does not go through the process before being published on a social network or the Internet Photoshop or any other graphics program. But they are not alone sophisticated tools those with which the authors manipulate the viewers. Simple cropping photos it can also be an extremely manipulative weapon, and below we will present you with a concrete number of proofs.

READ MORE: 23 photos that prove we all have dirty minds

It is already the case that us the brain forces certain interpretations based on what it sees, and what they cannot see, they interpret in their own way based on what they can see. Many times wrong, as you will discover below (as well as how easily we are manipulated), where you will see "the whole picture" cropped photos. By cutting the "excess" edges of the photographs (originally to remove disturbing elements and improve the composition, but mainly as a tool of manipulation), they gave us the authors concealed the "truth", that crucial part, which undermined the objectivity of information provision. For private purposes this is fine, but in journalism it is unacceptable.

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