
30 things to be grateful for as 2023 begins

Photo: envato

As you look back and look to 2022 – what can you be thankful for?

Here is a list of things to be grateful for. Choose the ones that apply to you and say – THANK YOU, because that's how you can attract good luck in 2023!

It is possible that you had various ups and downs this year, the most important thing is the realization that we learned something from the bad and that the good encouraged us to create.

When we see the lesson and learning in every situation and person, we realize that the moment is everything exactly as it should be. How life unfolds depends on us. If we look at it through the glasses of optimism and try to see something good in everything, even the most difficult situations will be easier.

It can especially help you with this an exercise in gratitude. Every day, be aware of what you are grateful for - hot tea, shoes, freshly washed clothes, a new day, sunlight, a message from a friend...

We often think that these are small things, but don't take these little things for granted.

Being grateful for things will encourage happiness and achieve more.


A list of things to be grateful for

Thank you for a comfortable bed and a roof over your head while there are approximately 100 million homeless people in the world.

Thank you, earth, for all the quality food that grows and gives us what our bodies need.

Thanks for the water.

Thank you for the negative emotions and thoughts that let us know that we still have a lot of work to do on ourselves.

Thank you to our parents, who gave birth to us, raised us and gave us the most that they knew.

Thanks to my friends for being there.


Thank you for all the "random" meetings with people we connected with.

Thanks to the animals who always stand by us.

Thank you to the plants that give us air and food.

Thank you, body, for carrying us and giving us the ability to move, hear, see, feel, smell...

Thanks for the trouble free days.

Thank you for the dreams and visions that give us momentum.

Thank you for the rain.

Thank you for the free will to decide for ourselves what we will do with our power, whether we will go forward or backward, whether we will say no or yes...

Thank you all for the eye contact.


Thank you for the honest truth that sometimes hurts, but we need it to move us forward.

Thanks for the opportunities.

Thank you for the songs that make us happy and heal our souls.

Thank you for the tears that cleanse the sadness from our souls.

Thank you for the talents we have.

Thank you for the books and articles that broaden our horizons.

Thank you for material abundance: clothes, car, computer, phone...

Thank you for the technology that can make our lives easier and with which we access information.


Thanks for all the money we get.

Thank you to everyone who waited for us when we were late.

Thanks for all the encouraging words when we were down.

Thank you to everyone who gave us a smile and a kind word this year.

Thank you for every new morning and new opportunity.

Thank you for the magical feelings of falling in love.

Thank you for living in this moment.


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