
30K4 - Club Festival in 5 acts 2019: 30 years and three weeks of fun

30K4 - Club Festival in 5 acts 2019: 30 years and three weeks of fun

The icon of the Ljubljana, Slovenian and Central European alter scene "štirka" is celebrating its jubilee 30th anniversary, which will be as it should be - a celebration called 30K4 - a club festival in 5 acts 2019, will take place for three weeks, and the action is set mainly as a display of live performance of electronic music. A variety of events will also be provided by the accompanying program, which will include workshops, a jam session, the K4 ROZA party, photo and flyer exhibitions, a vinyl market, an open day and socializing with creators.

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Club K4 has a long history that began already in the mid-80s, when it worked in the premises there many organizations. With the year 1989 the basement at Kersnikova 4 turned into the space it has become over the course of three decades an icon of Ljubljana, Slovenian and Central European alter scene.

In the 1930s, Club K4 hosted many artists, they can also boast of recognitions and awards. They will prove why they are the best at club festival in 5 acts 30K4, which will take place for three weeks. 30K4 is set as a demonstration of the progressive orientation of the club, its idea exchange functions and knowledge, an incubator of domestic and foreign talents and global guidelines viewer.

Club festival in 5 acts with six guests from five countries is built mainly on live performance of electronic music, which will also follow workshops and jam session, and on Youth Day, Klub K4 will also host an iconic event party K4 ROZA.

From the accompanying program, retro is also worth highlighting photo exhibition and leaflets, vinyl market, open for public and socializing with creators. And the music? Names like BJARKI, STINGRAY, CLASS from the group JAZZANOVA, LOUIS MALON, DEEP 88 in AND.REA, they must be familiar to you?

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