
4 apps that can help you get over your ex

"Breakup" applications

Photo: Mathilde Langevin/Unsplash

Can technology heal a broken heart? Here are four apps to help you get over your ex or ex.

It really takes a lot of willpower not to stalk your ex or ex on social media. This can be very painful, especially if the circumstances of the breakup are less than ideal. The fact is that during recovery we need our own space to heal. If we constantly check on our ex, we will continue to open old wounds and prevent them from healing. We will also drive ourselves crazy when we try to interpret his or her new life without us, when we analyze the comments, "stories" and new people who follow them. This is a recipe for mental breakdown.

If technology is part of the problem, can it also be part of the solution? Here are the best apps to help you get over it!

Photo: Apple Store

No Contact Rule

No Contact Rule is an app designed to distract you from contacting your ex. The app is full of affirmations and reminders of why staying in touch with your ex hurts the healing process. This app is your love friend, giving you a much needed reality check at no extra cost!

Photo: Apple Store


Mend is a free app that uses artificial intelligence. It asks you specific questions about when you broke up, why you did it, how long it's been since you last talked to your ex, etc. and offers you personalized help. It encourages journaling, along with all the activities (exercise, drinking water, meditation, healthy meal, hugging a friend) that you participate in each day. Mend also has a blog full of articles written by experts to help heal a broken heart. It's a great companion that takes care of all your breakup needs.

Photo: Apple Store

Rx Breakup

Rx Breakup is a free app with a 30-day recovery plan. The plan offers affirmations, writing anchors (think: things that boost your self-esteem, a list of people you want to call instead of your ex and what you would say), and tips on how to change your online life in a way that you don't encourage any contact with exes. Every day a new goal is unlocked, for example creating a fun playlist or, for example, removing all things that remind you of your ex. This is a simple step-by-step guide to taking control of your life in the first months after a breakup.

Photo: Apple Store

Breakup Boss

The goal of Breakup Boss is to encourage you to take full control of the situation. The app promises all the tools and techniques you need to get through every stage of a breakup. The first stage is thus The Feel Wheel, where you can document your feelings by selecting them from a list of emotions. There's also the option of writing an imaginary message to your ex or ex so you don't actually send it at 3am and after too much staring at the glass (we've all experienced it). In addition, Breakup Boss will send you a motivational message every day to make your day easier.

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