
4 powerful 'spells' to attract money into your life

Be careful what you think while giving your money away.

We don't have a magic wand, but maybe these techniques will help you grow your account balance.

If you want to attract wealth, you must invest in it and not just wait or resort to illegal means. Here are four spells, which should help reduce financial problems. You'll never know if they work if you don't try. These spells do not involve interference with the spirit world, do not harm any other person and are safe.

1. Money spell with a bowl of oranges

Money spell with a bowl of oranges
Money spell with a bowl of oranges

You need: glass container, nine oranges, gold and green ribbons, green candle, cinnamon oil or cloves mixed with sunflower oil (optional).

It is recommended to cast this spell on a new moon, but you can also cast it on any Thursday or Sunday that is close to a new moon. Mix all the ingredients and focus your thoughts and energy on this ritual. Now take a candle and carve your currency symbol into it. If you also use oil, rub it over the entire surface of the candle.

Light a candle. Stretch out your arms. Close your eyes and say: "I call upon the angels of abundance." Point your palms towards the ribbons and oranges and say to yourself: "I feed these ingredients with the magnetic light of financial prosperity."

Visualize it. Visualize a rainbow of light coming down the top of your head, to your heart, and from your hands to the ribbons and oranges. Tie a bow around the orange with green and gold ribbons. When you do this, hold the orange in both hands and say: "I open the door of abundance and bring infinite wealth into my life." Set the orange aside and repeat the same with the others. When you finish, hold your hands together and say: “It's finished. Thank you, thank you and thank you. Be blessed. And so it is.” Place a bowl full of oranges next to the candle flame. The candle should burn completely. Finally, bury the oranges in the ground on the night of the full moon or the day after.

You can also eat them, but in this case the shells must be buried in the ground. Tie all the ribbons together, you can also use them for decoration in the house. Then wait for the money to come your way over time.

2. A wallet full of powerful magic

This spell is as simple as spending money. A wallet is a symbol of wealth. And who wouldn't want it full of money? The color of your wallet should be important here. So it is recommended that you buy a red or brown wallet. According to color psychology, red and brown have frequencies that attract money. Red represents immense power, passion and ambitious ideas, while brown represents a sense of security and serenity.

Calvin Klein red wallet
Calvin Klein red wallet
Desigual red wallet
Desigual red wallet
Liu Jo Red Wallet
Liu Jo Red Wallet
Picard red wallet
Picard red wallet
S.Oliver red wallet
S.Oliver red wallet

3. Be careful what you think while giving away your money

Be careful what you think while giving your money away.
Be careful what you think while giving your money away.

Some are happy when they receive any amount of money, even a coin they find on the ground, others think "why not more". Some are happy when they give it away, while others are full of frustration and worry. Your thoughts are much more powerful than you think. All you have to do is change your mindset.

When paying for food, electricity or anything else, whisper to yourself: "Dear money, tell your friends around the world that you are coming back to me in a week/month in their company, in three times the amount." Then drop your money with confidence that it will come back to you. Let it go without resentment. This is the most important part: your thoughts will directly affect the results. The universe will find ways to pay you back.

4. Mirror spell

A mirror spell
A mirror spell

It is a very simple spell that you perform with a mirror. All you have to do is place a small mirror among the money in your wallet. This is supposed to mean multiplying your wealth overnight. However, be careful to never leave your wallet empty as this would have the opposite effect.

It is quite natural that in case of lack of money, you use different ways to get it. Nothing is wrong. However, you must understand that it is not good to play with rituals or any other type of magic, nor should you resort to illegal ways to get money. It's important to keep working hard. You cannot sit at home and cast spells and expect money to fall from the sky.

And don't forget, money can't buy happiness, but it can unlock many doors.

"Money is a lubricant. It allows you to 'glide' through life instead of 'creaking' as you struggle through it. Money brings freedom - the freedom to buy what you want and the freedom to do what you want in your free time. Money allows you to enjoy all the good things that life has to offer and to help others with the necessities of life. In addition, money relieves you of the need to invest energy in worrying about lack of money.” – T. Harv Eker

“Money! It is one of the most emotional things in our lives. Many people are willing to give up things that mean much more to them just to have money: they would cross the boundaries they set for themselves, neglect family and friends, even destroy their health. Money is a powerful lever in our world, associated with both joy and pain. Too often we use it to measure the quality of life and what we have or don't have." – Anthony Robbins

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