
When is Easter 2020?

Easter 2020 will be a few days earlier than last year! So when is Easter 2020 when we will sit down to the covered table again?

When is it Easter 2020? Easter will be on Sunday this year, April 12. It will also be a day off from work Easter Monday, which this year falls on April 13. Orthodox Easter 2020 will be on April 19.

When is Easter 2020? This year, Easter will be on Sunday, April 12.
When is Easter 2020? This year, Easter will be on Sunday, April 12.

It's Easter the most important Christian holiday. Christians celebrate on this day Jesus' resurrection from the dead; on Good Friday, Jesus Christ was crucified, and on the third day after that, on Sunday, he rose from the dead. Easter is a festival of joy and hope for Christians; they believe that with his resurrection, Jesus overcame physical and spiritual death and brought hope for everyone, and for Christians hope for resurrection after death. (Source: Wikipedia.)

Easter 2020: how to make natural dye for Easter eggs at home?

Yes it will Easter 2020 although happy and colorful, we have prepared tips for you on how to dye eggs with natural dyes that you prepare at home.

Easter 2020: how to make natural dye for Easter eggs at home?
Easter 2020: how to make natural dye for Easter eggs at home?

They exist two ways, how to dye eggs – hot and cold.

1. In hot dyeing mode you boil the eggs in water with natural coloring ingredients. When the water boils, they are ready. The hot method of dyeing pirchs is faster.

2. But you can also start with a cold coloring method, in which first boil the eggs and put them in the fridge or store at room temperature. Pour water into the container (depending on the amount of eggs you are coloring at once) and let it sit it boils. Add to boiling water natural ingredients for coloring and wait for them to color the water. Reduce the power of the hob, cover the pan and let the water boil for another 15 minutes.

The natural dye is ready when it is water colored more strongly, as you wish they were pirchs. This is because you want the paint to adhere really well. Add some to the colored water spoons of vinegar (depending on the amount of water). Eggs soak in paint for 30 minutes. When they reach desired color, keep them in the refrigerator.

At hot dyeing method it's about the fact that the heat 'saturates' the eggshell, which is why it also they color more intensely. In the method cold coloring the color is not distributed evenly, but that's why you create pastel colored eggs.

And what natural egg dyes can you use?

RED: onion peels, pickled cherry juice
BLUE: red cabbage, blueberries, grape juice
BEIGE: coffee, black tea
ORANGE: onions, carrots
YELLOW: turmeric, paprika and chili powder
GREEN: parsley, spinach, apple peels
PURPLE: Red wine
PINK: beetroot

When is Easter 2021?

Easter 2021 will be April 4, 2021, and Easter Monday on April 5, 2021. Orthodox Easter 2021 will be May 2, 2021.

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