
4 tips for an unforgettable vacation without unpleasant situations

Photo: David Vives/Unsplash

It can happen that we go on vacation and an unpleasant or awkward situation destroys our good mood. From a car stopping halfway to nausea or stomach cramps that make us run to the nearest bathroom. We have solutions for some unwanted situations.

Insect bites

In the summer we spend more time outside, and being in nature often involves lots of insects flying around our heads and food. The most common are mosquitoes, bees, wasps and ticks, whose stings are always accompanied by redness and irritation of the skin, swelling and burning or itching. Although we look forward to summer, insect bites can often ruin our vacation days. For this reason, it is important to properly protect yourself from them and react quickly in case of allergic reactions. Equip your travel bag with mosquito repellents and creams to protect against bites, and when choosing accommodation, make sure that there are mosquito nets on the windows or lights that will repel insects.

Be careful how you prepare food

In summer, food spoils much faster than in other seasons, so we are much more exposed to digestive problems. One of them is acute diarrhea, which usually occurs due to infection with viruses and bacteria, which are often found in improperly processed food. Although most people resort to a strict diet during diarrhea, such measures are no longer recommended for this type of diarrhea.
In order to avoid intestinal viruses, it is necessary to avoid food that has not been cooked and also food that is about to expire. When preparing, it is important that they are all food fresh and properly prepared just before consumption. Also, make sure you have indigestion medication with you, as food from other cultures can cause confusion in our body simply because your body is not used to it.

Photo: Pille R Priske / Unsplash

Watch out for the sun

They are certainly one of the most common summer problems sunburn and chicken pox, caused by excessive sun exposure. Many may not even be aware of the danger, but the sun is getting stronger and more dangerous every year, so the creams we use must contain substances that protect against harmful UVA and UVB rays. Going to the beach should be postponed to early morning or late afternoon. In addition, don't forget a hat on the beach.

Photo: Jared Rice/Unsplash

When it hurts

It can also quickly happen that we get sick on vacation, as we change the environment, food, activities... If you experience pain or feel worse, we recommend that you always have pain and fever medicine with you, because that way you probably won't have to visit the local hospital doctor or emergency room.

Photo: James Yarema/Unsplash

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