
The 5 Biggest Lies About Sexless Marriages

Photo: Kate Hliznitsova / Unsplash

Are relationships, marriages in which there is no sex, doomed to failure or can they be successful and happy even without intimacy?

"People don't get married just for sex. Although at first this is very important for most couples. She doesn't really keep the relationship alive. I think the power of marriage is not recognized enough in our society. That's why marriages work, not sex." the British actress once said Helen Mirren.

Many psychologists and psychotherapists agree with her, claiming that a large number of couples find happiness in sexless marriages.

Can a marriage survive without intimacy? Yes.

Read the 5 biggest lies about sexless marriages.

1. A sexless marriage is doomed

A long marriage full of passion and regular sex is just a myth. Of course, there are couples who manage to maintain the same intensity of chemistry for years as they did at the beginning of the relationship, but they are rare. Obligations and children usually bring a completely different dynamic to the intimacy of spouses.

Partners no longer have as much time for themselves, priorities and needs change, the passionate love from the beginning of the relationship is transformed. First of all, a successful marriage requires a lot of mutual respect and understanding. Marriage can survive without sex, but it cannot survive without these values.

2. If there is no sex in a marriage, it means that the attraction is also gone

Experts say that a lack of attraction is rarely the reason for a lack of sex in a marriage. This is much more often caused by other factors such as stress, work commitments and health problems. The partner may still be equally attractive to you, but because of these factors, the sexuality disappears.

Although the lust is gone, you can reawaken it! Photo: Emiliano Vittoriosi / Unsplash

3. Once sex stops, there is no going back

It won't hold. It often happens that sex stops for completely legitimate reasons, such as the arrival of a child, illness or any form of severe stress. If the couple makes an effort to look at this stage of marriage with understanding, they can come out of everything even stronger.

4. This problem cannot be solved

A weak libido is not unusual. When you find yourself in such a situation, you can get angry at each other or simply try to talk openly about why there is no more sex in your marriage. The couple must first ask themselves a simple question - what is the reason for the reduced desire for her?

A health problem that needs to be solved? Medicines that weaken libido? An emotional problem you're hiding inside? Financial or business stress? There are many reasons, and until you find the real "culprit", you cannot cope with the situation.

Remember that a sexless marriage won't feel lonely if you have open and honest communication with each other.

5. Love and connection are lost in a sexless relationship

This is one of the biggest myths about sexless relationships. Of course, you can be in a relationship full of love and tenderness - without intimacy. You may no longer be as spontaneous and passionate as you were at the beginning of the relationship, you no longer lose your head at every touch, but this does not mean that you no longer love each other. Intimacy develops in many ways, not just through sex.

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