
5 habits you thought were good for you, but actually accelerate aging and wrinkles

Photo: envato

Do you ever wonder why wrinkles appear on your skin? Did you know that certain daily habits can accelerate aging and the formation of wrinkles?

What actually affects aging and wrinkles? The skin is our largest organ, and although time is relentless, there are several ways we can keep it looking youthful. However, it does daily habits, which seem insignificant, can gradually pay off and lead to premature wrinkles.

A morning routine or a good night's sleep are crucial to aging and wrinkle formation

The five bad habits that cause wrinkles are those that we may not immediately notice, but in reality they accelerate the aging process skin. Despite the unstoppable passage of time and the natural changes our skin undergoes as we age, there are certain factors we can control.

Face creams are vital, but daily habits also play an important role in maintaining a youthful appearance.

What else can we do?

What kind of water do you wash your face with? Photo: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

1. Using hot water

Although a warm bath seems like the perfect recipe for relaxation after a busy day, hot water is actually harmful to the skin. Hot water can cause the skin to lose moisture, leading to dry skin. Showering with warm or lukewarm water is recommended, as it preserves the skin's natural oils, which are necessary for supple skin.

2. Rubbing the eyes

If we want to prevent the formation of wrinkles around the eyes, we must avoid rubbing the eyes. Rough rubbing of the eyes can cause premature stretching of the skin and increase the breakdown of collagen. It is recommended to use gentle serums that stimulate the production of collagen, instead of rough rubbing of the skin.

3. Excessive cleaning

Cleansing your face is important, but over-cleansing is not recommended. Cleaning your face too often can reduce the skin's natural sebum secretion, leading to dry skin and accelerating the aging process. Cleansing your face twice a day with a mild cleanser and lukewarm water maintains the skin's natural balance.

Do you wear sunglasses? Photo: Virgimaldonado / Pexels

4. Lack of use of sunglasses

Sunglasses are more than a fashion accessory; they protect our eyes from harmful UV rays. If we don't wear sunglasses, our eyes are exposed to the sun, which can cause wrinkles, age spots and loss of skin elasticity.

5. Sleeping on your side

Your favorite sleeping position can affect your skin. Sleeping on your side, with your face pressed against the pillow, can contribute to sagging skin. This pressure can eventually cause wrinkles on the face. Try to learn to sleep on your back and use silk or satin pillowcases to reduce skin friction.

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