
5 morning habits that prevent us from losing weight

We don't eat 'junk' food or sweets and we exercise regularly... but the extra kilos still don't melt away. What are we doing wrong? In fact, most people do not realize that it is the morning habits that prevent us from losing those few extra pounds. So what are we doing wrong?

5 morning habits that prevent us from losing weight:

1. We sleep too much.

If we don't sleep enough, our body is more likely to produce more stress hormones, i.e. cortisol, which will increase our appetite. Also, too much sleep does us no good. According to a recent study by PLOS One journal sleeping more than 10 hours can contribute to weight gain.

2. In the morning we prepare for a new day in the dark.

We open the curtains, blinds and blinds as soon as we wake up. Another study at PLOS One journal discovered that the blue waves of the morning sun stimulate our metabolism and help our bodies wake up. 20 to 30 minutes of daylight is enough.

READ MORE: Fit until summer: if you do the plank exercise every day, this will happen!

What are we doing wrong?
What are we doing wrong?

3. We do not make the bed.

It may sound strange, but it is supposed to be completely true. The research prepared by US National Sleep Foundation, revealed that people who make their beds sleep better. And healthy sleep is the optimal way to a healthy body weight.

4. We forget to weigh ourselves.

Researchers at Cornell University have proven that daily weighing is a successful technique that promotes weight loss. And the best time to step on the scale is in the morning, before eating and drinking. Given that we are losing water overnight, we will get the most accurate number in the morning.

5. We eat an insufficiently rich breakfast.

On Tel Aviv University a group of researchers revealed that you should treat yourself to a delicious breakfast in the morning. A balanced breakfast, which contains 600 calories consisting of proteins, carbohydrates and 'something sweet', is supposed to help us follow our diet more easily.

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