
5 situations in which even the strongest women give up: sometimes you have to stop and say NO

It's time to say - enough!

Photo: Lucas Pezeta / Pexels

You are proud of being a strong woman who never gives up despite bad circumstances, but in certain situations you should do it anyway - for your own good.

Perseverance and effort regardless of the outcome are commendable, but sometimes it is necessary to say: "Enough!"

Sometimes you have to think about yourself and not about other people. You have to tell them, and especially yourself, that there is nothing wrong with not being strong.


1. Accept that it won't get better

Whether it's an unpleasant situation at work or in your love life, sooner or later there comes a moment when you realize that there is simply no solution to your problem. In those moments, strong women often try to change the unchangeable, but by behaving in this way, they are actually harming themselves. They need to stop convincing themselves that it might be different, even though their intuition tells them that it won't happen. In such situations, you have to "surrender".

2. Your health suffers because of it

Even if you give 100% in positive situations, it wears you out of everything. The same attitude in negative situations has an even greater impact on your mental and physical health. When you feel mentally or physically tired from the effort you put into solving a particular problem, and when your body makes it clear that it's had enough, then it's time to quit. Nothing is worth jeopardizing your own health for the sake of others.

Take time for yourself! Photo: Dominic Sansotta/Unsplash

3. Accept that your efforts will never be rewarded

When it comes to business, you have a hard time deciding to take risks. You want to keep your job at all costs, even if you feel that your work is undervalued. However, this does not mean that your desire to progress and improve disappears. If you've noticed that your hard work and dedication are never rewarded, or that your success is often attributed to someone else, you may still need to take a risk and leave that job. One thing is certain - if you stay where you are, your dissatisfaction will only grow.

4. Your priorities change

A lot changes over time, including goals. If a certain thing is no longer your priority, you don't have to feel obligated to stick with it. Focus on what you really want because it's the key to long-term satisfaction.

5. You're just not happy

When you find it hard to smile, it's time to think about all aspects of your life. Look inside and try to understand what (or who) is holding back your happiness. Maybe the root of the problem is not only in this, but also in the fact that you do not know how to give up the wrong things or people at the right time.

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