
5 "stupidly" simple rules of people who have been extremely fit all their lives

Learn simple yet effective ways to become the best version of yourself every day.

Photo: envato elements

We start with the idea that those who manage to maintain a fit body are somehow different. But the truth is, they just follow certain simple rules. Learn about 5 "stupidly" simple rules of people who have been extremely fit all their lives

These are the rules, or patterns of behavior of people who have been extremely fit all their lives!

They follow the Pareto principle

The 80/20 rule is not only used in business, but also in nutrition. The fittest people follow this principle by eating healthy 80% of the time and giving in to their cravings the remaining 20%. But a warning: it's never about a whole day of overeating, but about moderate consumption of less healthy food. As the saying goes: "There is strength in moderation."

They have an underlying reason for exercising

Behind every fit individual is a strong motivation. It may be a fear of health problems, a desire to improve self-esteem or a desire to overcome certain challenges. It is their inner spark that drives them forward. Remember this when you are looking for your "why".

They incorporate fitness into all areas of their lives

Fit people don't see fitness as just a gym routine. It's a way of life for them. They work at standing desks, go on relaxing hikes, cook healthy recipes with their families, and take care of their mental health. As the saying goes: "A healthy mind in a healthy body."


Fitness is fun

Routine is the enemy of progress. To stay motivated, the fittest people change their fitness routine. They have fun with friends at the trampoline park, try different forms of exercise or sometimes completely change their fitness routine. They never let fitness get boring.

They always find time

It doesn't matter how busy their day has been, fit people always find time to exercise. When a hard day comes, they know they need to move because it energizes them and reduces stress. They know that the most important exercise is the one they do when they feel like it the least. They take difficult situations as challenges, not as excuses.

They encourage movement in their daily lives through their activities – they choose to take the stairs instead of the lift, park a little further from their destination so they can walk, and choose an apple over a cookie.

All these small daily decisions add up over time and lead to a healthy and fit lifestyle.


Fitness is not something to be reserved only for special people. Each of us has strength within us, to become healthier and fitter. If we follow these five simple rules followed by the world's fittest people, we might just find ourselves on that path. Do not forget: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Your first step can be today.

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