
5 tips on how to stay fit despite holiday overeating

Fix your holiday digestion

Photo: envato

During the holidays, the table collapses under the weight of delicious dishes, so it's no wonder that our holiday digestion is not what it used to be.

Festive digestion it is often associated with digestive problems such as either diarrhea or constipation, as our body is not able to process such amounts of food.

According to scientists with University of Birmingham the average person can consume a staggering 6,000 calories on Christmas Day alone – three times the recommended daily amount. The festive season, marked by indulgent feasts and rich delicacies, can cause our bowels to act lazy. However, with a few tricks up your sleeve, you can protect your gut before the holidays and enjoy Christmas without any unpleasant symptoms.

Photo: Unsplash/Caroline Hernandez

How to regulate holiday digestion


The key to good gut health is encouraging the growth of beneficial bacteria, and prebiotics play a key role in this process. Treat yourself to foods rich in prebiotic fiber this Christmas. Garlic, onions, leeks and bananas encourage the growth of healthy gut bacteria and aid in digestion.

Gut bacteria

Overdoing it during the holiday season can throw off the balance of your gut microbiota. To avoid this, consider including foods rich in probiotics in your diet. Yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods contain live cultures that can help restore and maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria.

Photo: Unsplash/Jed Owen

Kefir as part of Christmas breakfast

Kefir, a fermented milk drink, is a powerful source of probiotics that can benefit your gut health. Start Christmas morning with a bowl of kefir, along with fruit and nuts. This not only adds a festive touch to your breakfast, but also provides your gut with a host of beneficial bacteria to navigate the day's culinary delights.

Skip the chips

While it's tempting to reach for a bowl of chips during holiday gatherings, these salty snacks can contribute to bloating and discomfort. Chips, which are high in sodium, can disrupt the body's fluid balance, causing water retention. Opt for healthier alternatives such as veggie sticks with hummus or a handful of nuts.

Photo: Unsplash/Jannes Jacobs

Massage your belly

A gentle abdominal massage can aid digestion and relieve bloating. Take a few moments during the day to massage your stomach in circular motions. This simple technique can stimulate the digestive organs, promote the movement of food through your digestive tract and reduce the likelihood of post-meal discomfort.

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