
5 ways to deal with your partner's jealousy

Don't let jealousy ruin your relationship

Photo: envato

Jealousy is an emotion that many people face in relationships and it is often one of the main reasons that lead to the end of a relationship. So you have to pay attention to him and not let him destroy something as wonderful as your love. Here are 5 ways to react if you notice that your partner is excessively jealous.

Where does jealousy come from?

Jealousy it's a complex mix of feelings, thoughts, and actions that result from believing that your relationship is yours endangered. A person who struggles with jealousy lives his life in worries, that he is her partner emotionally or sexually involved with someone else or it will happen again. It can also occur if there has never been any cheating or anything similar in your relationship. The main risk factors are:

  • bad experiences from past relationships
  • lack of self-confidence
  • uncertainty about the future
  • loneliness
  • fear of rejection
  • fear of abandonment
  • unhealthy patterns from childhood
  • general distrust in fellow human beings

Some people claim that jealousy is a sign of strong love, but this is not the case. V healthy relationships, where partners do not give each other any reason for mistrust, excessive jealousy and accusations it must not exist.

If you think your partner is unhealthy jealous, it's important to be there for him empathic and you understand that his feelings come from pain and of fear. However, it is also important that he you set clear boundaries and you don't let his jealousy affect you the quality of your life. These are 5 ways to deal with your partner's jealousy.

The foundation of every relationship is sincerity Photo: Kate Kalvach

1. Consider whether the jealousy has a valid reason

If you do things that you don't want your partner to know about, then it's a good idea to do it first you stare at yourself. Secret conversations and getting with other men they don't belong in the relationship you want to last for the rest of your life. When we spend a lot of time with someone and know each other very well, we will immediately notice that something is not right, which will quickly arouse jealousy and distrust in us.

Find out, what led you to such actions and you clear up, do you want to stay in the relationship. Honesty it is the foundation of every healthy relationship. If you have cheated in the past and you and your partner have decided to stay in the relationship, then it is normal that there will be some mistrust and jealousy at the beginning. However, realize that this is not a reason to make you a partner insulted or you prohibited hanging out with friends etc. If he feels like he can't trust you anymore, then it's best to break up conclude.

2. A long, honest conversation

If there is no valid reason for your partner's jealousy, it means that it is coming out from himself and that it is time for honest conversation. Let him know you got him she likes and yes it you don't want to lose and also that you are ready for him to process painful emotions to help.

However, it also sets up here clear boundaries. If the partner brought mistrust from previous relationships, explain to him that you understand how difficult it is to trust again, but nevertheless it must be done make an effort and with toxic jealousy to cope with. His bad experiences they are not an excuse, to make you accused something that is not your fault and you tried to control every moment of your life.

If there is no reason for jealousy, it's time for an honest conversation Photo: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

3. Avoid arguments, but stay firm

If your partner constantly asks questions regarding your colleagues and friends, doubts into where you really were, etc., don't use that as a reason to quarrel, which won't solve anything. Instead, stay kind and respectful, but still let your partner know that for jealousy there is no reason and yes not fair, to treat you like that. Also tell him that his accusations hurt you.

Show your partner how much he means to you Photo: Brooke Cagle / Unsplash

4. Be open and honest

Lies are like fuel to the fire, when jealousy occurs. Avoid yourself hiding unimportant things, as your partner will so quickly think of the worst. Be open and sincere in terms of who you are with you hang out and where are you going

5. Show him that he means a lot to you

Reasons for jealousy can also be feelings towards our partner it is no longer with us just like in the beginning. Even if you've been together for a long time, make your partner feel comfortable beloved - you can take care of this with warm words, hugs, kisses, various surprises and time dedicated only to you. Likewise, if you have the feeling that something is not right, about it ask and show him that you care about his feelings it doesn't matter and that you are ready for him to help through bad times.

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