
6 mistakes you make on first dates - and you don't even realize them!

Photo: Charly Pn K / Unsplash

There is no instruction book on how to win a person over.

First dates. First expectations. We're all only human, and we're likely to make mistakes, whether we're aware of our thoughts or not.

Maybe you will be in a relationship with a person who will not be what you thought he was. Some things you can't completely control. Sometimes you just have to let the flow of life go!

Let's see what unconscious games you can play at the beginning of a relationship.

1. You always dance around your feelings

It's scary to be direct about your feelings, especially if the other person doesn't show and say what they want and want. You might even feel that such a serious topic would destroy your chemistry and sexual tension.

It is important to tell each other what you expect from the relationship. If you never even hint that you're interested in a serious relationship, or the other person never mentions that they're just looking for adventure, you won't know it.

2. You spend hours and hours writing a message

You want to impress your crush, so it's only natural that you try to find cute, clever, personable words and responses to each message.

You write the same message for hours. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

You don't want to ask your friends for help, but you rewrite the same message over and over until it sounds perfect. You don't want to lie. You want to be known for who you are.

3. You pay too much attention to time

You look at the clock and count how many minutes it took for them to reply to your message and then wait just as long or a little longer to reply to theirs.

Answer when you want to answer. Don't hold back on communication because you're worried about appearing too impatient. The right person will delight in impatience.

4. You lie about your personal life

You don't want to admit when they ask you what you're doing that you're lounging around in your pajamas when you reply to their text at night.

Take a thousand selfies to conquer the person through the screen. Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

Don't pretend you're at a party every night, why would you look more interesting that way? Rather the opposite. If you start a relationship with someone, don't pretend to be or do something you're not. Sooner or later they will know the truth. And the right person will like you more if you are honest with them.

5. You want to win them over through social networks

You shouldn't have to post photos on social media to get their attention. If you want their attention, you simply have to start a conversation with them. It's that easy.

6. You pretend you don't care

Why play hard to win? Why would you want them to assume you're not interested? If you like someone, let them know. You should be honest about your feelings. The more direct you are, the more direct they will be.

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