
6 signs to tell if your partner is an empath or just a covert narcissist

Photo: envato

Why do some people you connect with enrich your life while others leave a trail of destruction? Is it possible that empaths intuitively know what is right, while narcissists often fall down the path of self-indulgence and manipulation?

Empathic people or narcissists in your life? In the maze of human interactions where every meeting of this invisible thread, that connect or separate us, understanding the nature of our bonds is crucial.

While some seem to be born with a magic wand that allows them to feel the heartbeat of the world, others seem to sail through life on a willful vessel of selfishness, unable to see beyond the horizon of their own ego.

Photo: Deyvison Teixeira- / Pexels

How do empathic people differ from those with narcissistic tendencies?

empathy, this gentle perception and sympathetic response to the emotions of others is like the oil that keeps the machinery of human relations running smoothly. It stands on the other side narcissism, like sand, which with its roughness creates friction and tension.

Ability to feel what others feel, and adjusting one's behavior in a way that respects and supports those feelings is an art that empathic people have mastered. They are the opposite narcissists are masters of manipulation and selfishness, who often use interpersonal relationships as a stage for their dramas without considering the consequences of their actions on others.

Six specific behaviors that empaths avoid in relationships and how these behaviors counteract narcissistic tendencies.

1. They don't torture people

Empathetic individuals build solid, authentic relationships with a foundation of reciprocity. They understand how important it is to maintain relationships with people who have stood by them in the past.

Are you a narcissist or your partner? Photo: Deyvison Teixeira- / Unsplash

Conversely, narcissists often abuse and even devalue those closest to them, especially when they feel their ego is suffering or their sense of entitlement is not being satisfied. For example, it would be unthinkable for an empathic person to leave their partner for a new love after years of marriage, ignoring everything they have built together. A narcissist can do this without guilt or remorse.

2. They respect the boundaries and feelings of others

Empathetic people respect the boundaries and feelings of others. When someone tells them that a certain behavior makes them uncomfortable, empathetic people will avoid it and do their best not to repeat the same mistake.

The opposite of this are narcissists who see expressing boundaries as a challenge or an opportunity for a power play. When you tell them to stop something, their next move may make the behavior worse. It's like a child who can't resist cookies despite being forbidden - except the narcissist is an adult with a choice he makes on purpose.

3. They don't compete

Narcissists often provoke jealousy or insecurity in order to gain power or control in a relationship.

Empathetic people, on the other hand, value the stability and security that comes from trust and mutual support. They are not using your fears or insecurities for manipulation or power play, but are trying to make you feel safe and loved.

4. They don't use your fears, traumas or insecurities against you

When empathetic people learn about your fear or trauma, they will treat this information with respect and compassion. They will not use it as a tool of manipulation or as a weapon against you in future interactions.

Are you an empath? Photo: Olly/Pexels

Narcissists, on the other hand, often use this information to hurt or belittle you, which is especially painful because they exploit your most vulnerable points.

5. They communicate and don't ignore

Empathetic people value open and honest communication. They are open to constructive discussions and are transparent in sharing their feelings. When problems arise, they want to solve them together, not withdraw or punish those who gave them feedback.

Narcissists, on the other hand, often withdraw, avoid responsibility, and ignore the needs of others, especially when they feel threatened or criticized.

6. They don't manipulate

Empathetic people do not play manipulative games or create competitions for their attention. They are honest and consistent in their behavior towards others.

Narcissists, on the other hand, often use such tactics to challenge your confidence and put you in an insecure position. They may praise other people for no reason or criticize those closest to them just to make you jealous or insecure.

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