
6 signs of orthorexia - obsession with healthy eating

Photo: Envato

A healthy diet is a way of life that everyone should strive for, not only to maintain a beautiful figure, but also for general health. However, overdoing and obsessing over healthy food can lead to more serious problems and one of them is an eating disorder called orthorexia. We have prepared for you 6 signs that you should pay attention to when eating healthy.

What is orthorexia?

Orthorexia ranks under eating disorders, and it differs from other disorders in that the person feels more like input he dedicates his food to hers quality. Her main goal is not to lose weight, but to eat in the healthiest possible way, while obsessively avoids to all that is unhealthy, greasy and full of unnecessary nutrients.
A balanced diet is key to the proper functioning of our body. However, there is nothing wrong with treating yourself to delicious desserts from time to time. A way of life where ours is main concern that what will we eat, is far from healthy.

There's nothing wrong with indulging in delicious desserts from time to time Photo: Rodnae Productions / Pexels

We must also not forget that our body, in addition to the so-called healthy nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, for life needs also fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
According to many experts, eating disorders are classified as the most dangerous mental illnesses. This is because the body at lack of nutrients it cannot work properly. They can give people who face them a start cancel internal organs or others appear to them Health issues.

Pay attention if the eating habits of you and your loved ones have changed Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Therefore, be very careful if you or your loved ones notice symptoms of an unhealthy eating pattern. That's when it's best to look for yourself professional help.
We have prepared for you 6 signs that point to the development of orthorexia.

1. Refusal of all unhealthy food

There is nothing wrong with diet eliminate some unhealthy products or you avoid fast food restaurants. But if you've never do not allow even a bite of food that you take as unhealthy is necessary for you to be careful.
To no one it won't hurt, if he sometimes "breaks" or treats himself to a meal at his favorite restaurant that does not contain the most optimal nutrients.

2. Excessive nutrition research

If you spend your days reading various articles talking about what must contain the food you eat is a sign that something is wrong. Also, you don't need the nutrients and caloric value of each product when shopping in detail to study, before you decide to take it.

Preparing healthy meals can be fun, but be careful not to become obsessed Photo: Nathan Cowley / Pexels

3. Feeling guilty about eating unhealthy foods

It's food fuel, which enables us to live and not something that will be ours every second of our lives controlled. That you ate something unhealthy, does not mean defeat, which should make you feel good guilty.

4. Dealing with the food of others

Everyone eats the way they think is best. A characteristic of eating disorders is that they are very competitive, so be careful if you deal with it, what others eat or what kind feelings their habits instill in you. With a healthy mental state to feed others you wont paid attention to.

Your life shouldn't revolve around your eating habits Photo: Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

5. Fear of losing control

People with eating disorders live in of fear, that they will lost control. When they eat the way they think is right, they feel like they have all below control.
This one an illusion completely collapses the moment they consume something they perceive to be unhealthy - then they are faced with by disappointment and self-hatred.

6. Reduced quality of life

In orthorexia, a healthy diet has both great importance, to revolve around it every moment of life. It's not healthy that days you are planning around your meals to you avoid socializing with those closest to you, because you know that there will be junk food and that you constantly worried, that you made a mistake when eating.
Remember: yours self image it must not lie in what do you eat and how you look, but in your personality. We eat to live and not the other way around: you deserve much more from the prison that orthorexia can put you in.

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