
6 signs that you don't love yourself enough and how to change it

Photo: envato

According to many experts and psychologists, the love we have for ourselves is the foundation for all relationships in our lives. When we love ourselves, we will know how to set boundaries for others and love them without our happiness depending on them - we will know how to take care of ourselves even without them.

Therefore, we have prepared for you 6 signs that show that you do not love yourself enough and ways to change it.

1. You are overly jealous in a relationship

A romantic relationship often means test, how we look at ourselves. If we realize that you are love and respect we earn, then we will accept them with joy, instead of constantly asked, if the partner even wants to be with us. Neither will we doubts in his actions and spent his everyday life in of fear, to deceive us or to have feelings for another person.
You must realize that a romantic relationship must be something that you pleases. If you notice that your thoughts are full worries and paranoia, this is usually a sign that you don't love yourself enough or lest you believe you are you deserve a partner. Excessively jealousy and possessiveness can destroy even a loving relationship, so it's important to do so as soon as possible take care of yourself and accept yourself the way you are.

Do you spend days worrying about your partner cheating? Photo: Ivan Samkov / Pexels

2. You don't trust yourself

Low self-esteem is considered one of the main characteristics of lack of self-confidence. It can appear in different areas: maybe when looking for a new job, you are sure that you want the place anyway will fail to get, so don't apply at all. Maybe you spend your workday in fear of being dismissed. You may not dare set up for yourself, when a colleague or boss does something that you think is wrong. Perhaps there are new challenges don't do it, because you think you don't know enough about them.
It is important to clear up with yourself that you are you earn, how people behave towards you respectfully and friendly. You also have to believe that you deserve the best: let it be desired career path or a partner who will truly appreciate you. Also errors you don't have to be afraid: we all do them right and that's the only way we can in life we are making progress.

3. You take advice defensively

When we do error or we're just not sure how to go about something, it's perfectly normal to receive from a friend, family member or colleague advice. When we love ourselves, we will grateful, that we have a person by our side who can help us, but when we lack self-confidence, we will stand in defensive posture and the advice perceived as attack or an insult.
It is important that you know that everyone we learn everyday new things and yes ignorance or mistakes they do not mean that something is wrong with us wrong. You should also try not to be everything taken personally: tips are usually benevolent and far from showing that the person underestimates you and your abilities.

It is important to take advice as a help and not an insult Photo: Buro Millennial / Pexels

4. Don't worry about yourself

You can love yourself prove every day and one of the main ways is that take care of yourself. This is how you will show yourself that you are you earn things that you they cheer up and thus felt much better.
Self-care covers almost all areas of your life: ranging from personal care and hygiene and to maintaining respectful and loving ones relationships; from healthy diet and to the ability to set for yourself; from being on cold days dress warmly up to the fact that from time to time you chat with a massage, trips or a piece of clothing, which you have wanted for a long time.

5. Do not share your opinion with others

If you love yourself, then yours opinions there is no fear express clearly. No, there's nothing wrong with being more shy when you first start dating or having days when you're quieter. The problem arises when you find yourself in company you want to talk, but you worry that people would condemned or out of you made fun of. The same applies if you do not want to be in work meetings expose, even though you came up with a great idea.
You must realize that you are worthy, that you people hear. It's perfectly normal, yes not everyone will like you the best and that every one of your ideas will not fall on fertile ground, but this should not be a reason to wrap yourself in silence and in such a way missed many opportunities.

When we love each other, we are not afraid to express our opinion Photo: Fauxels / Pexels

6. You don't know how to set boundaries

Watch how you behave when you get the feeling that they were yours emotions overlooked. You wrap yourself in silence, place in defensive position or simply the situation you accept? These are all signs that you don't love yourself enough.
When we find out that people know us, our desires and feelings were not taken into account, it is important that let's talk. This in no way means you have to start quarrel: often such an action only means minor misunderstanding or it indicates that the person simply she didn't realize, that her action could disturb or hurt us. Silence she will show her that we don't see the problem, so she won't change her behavior, but we will start to feel for her grievances. And this shows how important self-love is: you can live without it they fall apart nice relations anyway.

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