
7 health benefits of kimchi & recipe for traditional kimchi

Korean kimchi

Photo: envato

Do you feel like you have exhausted all options for maintaining a healthy lifestyle? Have you heard of kimchi and its many health benefits? Originating in Korea, this fermented vegetable is gaining popularity around the world. What makes kimchi so special and what exactly can it do for your health?

Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish made from fermented cabbage, pickles and other vegetables and spices. In addition to its special taste and unique smell, it has many health benefits.

7 Health Benefits of Kimchi

1. Improves digestion

It contains lactic acid bacteria that help improve digestion and absorption of nutrients in the body. It also helps to regulate the intestinal flora and prevent digestive problems such as bloating, constipation and diarrhoea.

2. Strengthens the immune system

It is rich in antioxidants that can help fight free radicals in the body. In addition, fermentation increases the amount of probiotics in the food, which helps to strengthen the immune system.

3. Reduces the risk of heart disease

It is rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, it contains substances that can help lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol.

4. Helps in weight loss

It is low in calories and high in fiber, which can help you lose weight. In addition, fermentation can increase the absorption of nutrients in food, which can help reduce appetite and improve metabolism.

5. Helps prevent cancer

It contains substances that can help prevent cancer, especially stomach cancer. Fermentation can increase the content of antioxidants and other substances that help prevent cell damage and mutations.

6. Improves mood

It contains an amino acid called GABA, which can help reduce stress and improve mood. In addition, the probiotics in Kimchi can help regulate hormone levels and improve mental health.

7. Improves skin health

It contains vitamins A, C and K and other nutrients that can help improve skin health. Antioxidants can help prevent free radical damage to the skin, which can lead to wrinkles and other signs of skin aging. In addition, the probiotics in it can help regulate inflammatory processes in the body, which can contribute to skin health.

Recipe for traditional kimchi

You can include kimchi in your diet in different ways, as an addition to dishes, salads or as an independent snack. For the best health benefits, choose fresh and unpasteurized, which contain the most probiotics and nutrients.

Traditional Korean Kimchi

  • Servings: 4
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Rating: ★★★★★
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  • 1 large head of Chinese cabbage (about 1.5 kg)
  • 1 cup coarsely ground salt
  • 8 cups of water
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup ground paprika
  • 1/4 cup fish sauce or soy sauce
  • 1/2 cup minced garlic
  • 1/2 cup chopped ginger
  • 6 green onions, chopped
  • 1/2 cup carrot, grated
  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar


  1. Remove the outer leaves of the cabbage and cut it into smaller pieces. Place them in a large bowl and sprinkle with salt. Stir well to distribute the salt evenly throughout the cabbage. Let stand for at least 2 hours to soften the cabbage.
  2. Rinse the cabbage thoroughly under running water. Drain well.
  3. In another bowl, mix water, brown sugar, ground paprika, fish or soy sauce, garlic, ginger, green onions, carrot and apple cider vinegar.
  4. In a large bowl, toss the cabbage and spice mixture until each piece is coated with the sauce.
  5. Place the cabbage in sterilized jars for pickling and close tightly. Leave in a warm place at room temperature for 1-5 days to ferment. Then store in the refrigerator and use as needed.

Note: When preparing Kimchi, adjust the amount of spices according to your taste. You can also add other vegetables such as carrots, radishes or cucumbers.

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