
7 signs you're dealing with a manipulator: Everything around him is drama

Photo: envato

You are most likely unaware that you are dealing with a manipulator in your life! You think he's the perfect person for you until...

Soberly judge whether you are dealing with a manipulator. Manipulation in communication is attempt to control another person, in order to achieve their own goals, whether or not those goals are in line with the interests of the other person. This can happen in a variety of ways, such as emphasizing or misrepresenting information, using force or extortion.

Manipulators they often use psychological tricks to confuse other people and achieve their goals.

Manipulation can affect an individual in different ways, from feelings of insecurity, guilt, fear and anxiety to loss of confidence into other people. In addition, manipulation can lead to a lower quality of relationships and affect personal and business success.

Is there a manipulator next to you? Photo: Disruptivo / Unsplash

When you find yourself in a situation where you are interacting with a manipulative person, this initial pleasant conversation can quickly turn into a real psychological battle. Manipulators are capable use complex techniques, involving feelings of guilt, of fear, pressure and control to convince you of their point of view or to fulfill their needs.

Let's look at the signs that tell you that you are dealing with a manipulator.

A strong desire to control communication

As a rule, manipulators strive to control the situation and assume a dominant position in communication. They will do this first by asking too many questions, sowing doubt, or completely ignoring your opinion.

Pressure in communication

Manipulators may impose their point of view or their desires while ignoring yours. They can pressure you to do what they want, even if you don't like it or don't want to.

You often feel guilty or afraid

The most common manipulations are based on feelings of guilt or fear. They can subtly hint at potential threats to get the behavior they want from you.

It's all your fault, he's perfect. Photo: Adi Goldstein / Unsplash

Emotional impact

Manipulators try to directly influence the emotional state of a person, encourage him to feel a lack of stability in communication. These are zooming out and zooming in techniques. This means that he gives ambiguous signs from time to time and sometimes tries to suddenly get all your attention, and then disappears from your life, trying to increase interest.


Manipulators may dramatize a situation or exaggerate the importance of their feelings in order to elicit sympathy and pity from others.

Use of ambiguous terms

Manipulators may avoid direct answers to questions or say something that contradicts what they have said before to confuse you.

One way contact or one sided game

This is a person who only communicates with you when they need something. She expects you to be there when she needs you, but without reciprocation, meaning when you need their support, they won't be there.

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