
8 books every leader must read if they want to be successful

8 books every leader should read if they want to be successful

It's no secret that the most successful people are book lovers. How could you not be, when one of the best ways to ensure that you and your business grow is by reading and learning. In this way, you absorb knowledge, expand your worldview, and new perspectives challenge outdated ideas. But not all books are worth the time and effort, so we have collected 8 books that will really help you on your way to becoming a good leader.

To help you on paths, to become successful in leadership, we have prepared a list the best 8 books, which you must read now.

1. Managing the Mental Game, Jeff Boss

Managing the Mental Game
Managing the Mental Game

Jeff Boss shows readers how to build the confidence that allows them to reach new levels of success. They are useful in the book exercises, which teach you how to fight the chaos and pressure to stay calm in the uncertain  difficult situations. Boss helps you understand that it is stress is a mental game that can be overcome, often by learning to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

2. Start With Why, Simon Sinek

The book focuses on an important business truth: people don't buy what you do, they buy the reason why you do it. Simon Sinek in the book he explains the concept of 'start with why' by dealing with some basic questions. The key question it deals with is, why some people and organizations are more innovative, influential and profitable than others. And why so few leaders can repeat its success?

3. The Go-Giver Leader, Bob Burg and John David Mann

The Go-Giver Leader
The Go-Giver Leader

Great leaders don't act like "leaders". rather, they strive to be more human. They focus on the concept of 'give and you shall receive'. In the book, the authors encourage thinking about higher consciousness, they focus on the idea that it is your influence depends on whether you put the interests of others first. Such leaders create prosperity for community in the company.

4. Essentialism, Greg McKeown

Instead of learn to manage your time more effectively, this book helps you focus on getting the 'right' stuff. It's not about time management or improving productivity, it's about understanding what matters most key thing for you. This system encourages you to prioritize what what is most important in your life.

5. The Dip, Seth Godin

The Dip
The Dip

The dip proves that winners can quit and desperados can win. Winners often very quickly they give up, but they know that the greater the obstacle, the greater the reward at the end. If you overcome the obstacle, you will earn profit, fame and long-term security.

6. Give and Take, Adam Grant

Success is not just hard work, talent and luck. Our ability to achieve is increasingly dependent on how well we work with others.

7. Drive, Daniel H. Pink


We all have an innate desire to control our own life and creating new things. The author explains in the book that the "carrot and stick" approach that most corporations use to motivate people does not ensures high efficiency or results. The Secret That Promotes Greater Worker Efficiency lies in their inner motivation.

8. Getting Things Done, David Allen

Getting things done
Getting things done

Allen offers in the book important tools and strategies about how to focus your energy on work tasks and get them done need to postpone when necessary.

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