
5-Minute Beauty Ritual for Shiny Long Hair: You'll Wish You'd Known It Before

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Beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder, but also in carefully selected grooming rituals that we incorporate into our everyday lives. Among these rituals is one simple but extremely effective procedure that can change the appearance and health of your hair in just five minutes a day. Have shiny long hair too.

It's a hair-raising ritual for long, shiny hair. We are talking about scalp massage, an ancient technique that does not require expensive products or visits to specialists. In this article, with the help of experts, we reveal to you why scalp massage should be part of your daily hair care routine and how to do it correctly miraculous technique.

Benefits of scalp massage for shiny long hair

Scalp massage it's not just relaxing; is a therapeutic practice that has several important benefits for hair and scalp health. First, it stimulates blood flow to the hair follicles, which can increase hair growth and improve hair quality. Regular massage also helps diffuse the scalp's natural oils, leading to more hydrated, less brittle hair and a shine that's hard to ignore.

This ritual you can easily incorporate into your morning or evening routine. Photo; Ivan/Pexels

In addition, you can massage the scalp reduces tension and stress, which are common causes of hair problems such as hair loss. By releasing muscle tension around the scalp and neck, massage allows the body to handle stress better, thereby preventing some of the negative effects it can have on the hair.

Why massage the scalp?

The key to healthy, strong hair lies in a healthy scalp. A scalp massage is like supplying nutrients to your hair follicles. Not only does it stimulate circulation, which 'feeds' the hair follicles with oxygen and nutrients, but it also removes dead skin cells and promotes cell regeneration. This is how hair becomes stronger from the roots up, which reduces the possibility of breakage and hair loss.

How to perform a scalp massage

Start with the comfortable posture, sit or stand. Use the pads of your fingers (not your nails!) and gently press the scalp in a circular motion. Start at the front and work your way up move towards the back of the head, then down towards the neck. Make sure to massage the entire scalp to ensure even stimulation.

You can also use different accessories for massage. Photo: Koolshooter/Pexels

For added benefit, you can include essential oils such as lavender, rosemary or peppermint, which are known for their positive effects on hair growth. Add a few drops to your fingertips before massaging or in a carrier oil such as coconut oil for a more intense treatment.

best of all, scalp massage does not require much time. Just five minutes a day is enough to notice a difference in the health and appearance of your hair. This is a ritual that you can easily incorporate into your morning or evening routine.

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