
A museum dedicated to the great Woody Allen is opening in Barcelona

Woody Allen

The world's museum offer will soon be enriched by another excellent museum, as the Spaniards in Barcelona have decided to open a museum dedicated to the controversial Woody Allen, one of the most popular film artists of all time.

V Barcelona opens a European tribute to the outstanding film artist, who is written in the hearts of many as the best director of all time. A museum dedicated to the great Woody Allen, sounds like a true paradise for all enthusiastic film buffs who simply cannot imagine film history without Woody's film classics. The initiative to establish the museum came from the company Mediapro, which, among other things, also participated in the production of Allen's films "Vicky Christina Barcelona”, “Midnight in Paris” and “To Rome with Love”, and the project was probably supported because it is film and television tourism in Spain thanks to the TV series Game of Thrones, which is also filmed in Seville, Spain, is on the rise.

"Annie Hall" (1977)
"Annie Hall" (1977)

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