
Airline etiquette: These are 5 things you should never do on a plane

Photo: envato

Even high in the air there are rules of behavior - this is aviation etiquette.

Traveling with airplanes is an attractive way to overcome distances, but even high in the air it is necessary to follow the rules of behavior or aviation etiquette. It is necessary to realize that we are sharing the cabin with many other passengers, so insight is most welcome.

These are 5 things you should never do on a plane:

#1 No smoking

Although it sounds obvious, this is not the case for everyone. Some people are still looking for ways to light a cigarette high in the air without any legal consequences. Smoking is strictly prohibited on all commercial flights, whether signs warn you of this or not. By lighting a cigarette, you endanger not only yourself, but also the health and comfort of your fellow passengers. Airlines take this matter very seriously, and violating the no-smoking policy can result in serious consequences, including fines and even possible arrest upon landing.

Photo: Unsplash/Alex Azabache

#2 Changing the angle of the seat

Each of the passengers has the possibility to change the angle of their seat. If the person in front of you tilts his seat, that means irritation and frustration are out of place. If this makes you really uncomfortable, politely ask the person in front of you to return the seat to its original position. Better yet, focus on finding ways to make your flight more comfortable, such as using a travel pillow.

#3 Never get rid of your socks

Many people like to take off their shoes during a long flight, but it's best to leave your socks where they are. So on your feet. The cabin is a shared space, so be careful not to put your fellow passengers in an uncomfortable position with your bare feet.

Photo: Unsplash/Suhyeon Choi

#4 Avoid clutter and clean up after yourself

Airplane cabins can be full of trash, especially after long flights. Whether it's leftover food, packaging, or personal belongings, try to keep your space tidy throughout your trip. When the flight is over, make sure you collect all your belongings and dispose of trash properly. This simple logic makes the cleaning process easier for flight attendants and helps maintain a pleasant environment for all passengers.

#5 Use the bell responsibly

Flight attendants are there to help, but it's important to use the bell wisely. Excessive or unnecessary use of the call bell can disrupt the crew's routine and prevent them from attending to more critical matters. If you need help, wait for an opportune time during the flight or discreetly raise your hand to get their attention.

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