
Optimism is welcome, but not always: 5 situations when positive thinking can backfire on you

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Positive thinking is welcome, but not always.

Positive thinking it's great, but sometimes it's also "of positivism” too much that can conspire against you and your loved ones. It is right that we allow ourselves to feel the entire spectrum emotions, which benefits our overall mental health and well-being. So also those, not so pleasant emotions.

The health of your loved ones

If you ignore the physical pain of your loved ones for the benefit of your well-being, you may overlook serious health problems of your partner or mother. "You work so hard all day, of course your back hurts", are not words to address weeks of back pain. Although your encouraging comments are full of good intentions, it's also a good idea to consider less pleasant situations and encourage your partner to see a doctor.

Photo: Unsplash/Lidya Nada

Worse coping with reality

We all like to daydream or wish that certain challenging situations would not arise. "Individuals with overly positive thinking can have trouble dealing with reality," Aniesa Hanson, a licensed mental health counselor, told Reader's Digest. People who completely ignore and dismiss periods of dissatisfaction may also be living in a state of denial. Ignoring problems is not the way to deal with a problem.

A black and white view of the world

"No matter what happens to us in life, we think of it as 'good' or 'bad,'" in an article published on PsychologyToday.com wrote dr. Srikumar Rao. The tendency to try to make lemonade out of lemons every time a problem arises can be tiring and exhausting. People are often quick to find solutions to frustrations in situations to make them "less bad," robbing them of valuable experiences.

Photo: Unsplash/Kari Shea

Inappropriate behavior

It is natural for a parent to want to reassure their child, but it is not best to respond to certain situations with a smile. If, for example, other children make fun of your son, it is not right to just smile and reassure him, saying that there is nothing to worry about. Your child needs an advocate in a parent, someone who will be able to advise him. In this case, the harassment can only escalate, which does not lead to a solution to the problem.

You can act insensitive

If your friend just lost her job and wants to talk, chances are she needs a serious, deep conversation. This means that this is not the time for relentless positivity and clichéd "it happened for a reason" comments. Instead of possibly coming off as insensitive to others, show genuine concern and let her know that you take her problems seriously and she can always trust you.

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