
Do you know how Slovenians use tablets?!

Just over a week ago, we asked the readers of citymagazine.si for what purposes they most often use a tablet, and we got surprising answers that confirm our assumption that tablets are completely unjustifiably neglected.

It is an indisputable fact that mobile phones have become the center of our media engagement and thus our central media devices, but tablets outperform them in many tasks. Because the latter are getting closer and closer laptop, we asked readers in which cases they think the tablet is more suitable for use, and got interesting answers.

What 87 percent of readers confirms that screen size matters when watching digital content! This confirms the fact that it is bigger screen definitely better and above all more useful.

The screen size on the tablet is definitely welcome when watching digital content!
The screen size on the tablet is definitely welcome when watching digital content!

41 percent respondents prefer to read news on the phone, followed by a personal computer with good ones 26 percent and right after it is already a tablet with a good 18 percent. The printed newspaper occupies the "inglorious" last place with only 13 percent.

We prefer to read the news on a tablet than on paper.
We prefer to read the news on a tablet than on paper.

84.5 percent of respondents would rather watch movies on a tablet than on smartphone, which was the expected percentage and confirms our finding that tablets excel at tasks like watching YouTube videos or movies.

Watching vlogs on YouTube - and watching movies is definitely more enjoyable on tablets.
Watching vlogs on YouTube - and watching movies is definitely more enjoyable on tablets.

When comparing the usability of a tablet and a smartphone when playing games, the smartphone leads by a small margin 53 percent. The fact is that the smartphone functions as a "gaming" console, and this fact also makes it an interesting tablet substitute. Apparently, screen size is not the primary concern for users when playing games.

When it comes to playing games, the phone and tablet are practically equal.
When it comes to playing games, the phone and tablet are practically equal.

When reading e-book is a surprise winner Kindle, who got almost 57 percent of all the votes, but of course it is followed by the tablet with a good 43 percent of the votes. The smart phone was thrown on the line here, as it didn't get a single vote.

Almost 71 percent respondents support the use of tablets as a teaching aid, but they do not care 29 percent oppose. Here we were surprised by the relatively high percentage of opponents of the introduction of new technological teaching aids in school desks.

Because 60 percent would use the tablet to explore the web. This activity is followed by the business use of a tablet with a car 53 percent. 34 percent would use the tablet for creative play with children, 41 percent and would watch television with a delay via the tablet. 22 percent of users would play video games on their tablet.

The tablet is also a great tool at work!
The tablet is also a great tool at work!

Finally, we asked readers which device is the tablet's biggest competition in terms of intended use. With this answer, the answer was pretty clear. The main competitor of the tablet is the smartphone with 51 percent, who is breathing down his neck with a laptop computer 43 percent. The tracking confirms the fact that the tablet found itself between two "fires" and has a harder time choosing a place in the user's heart.

It's a tablet in the eyes of users definitely the device they associate with spending free time. Although many see it as an excellent tool for business use, where it proves to be an excellent tool for presentations. At this moment it is before tablets a difficult task replacing a laptop computer, even though many tablets come close to the latter both in terms of functionality and general usability for the vast majority of tasks. In personal use, many tablets can easily outperform a few-year-old laptop. But in the minds of users, a laptop is still something that they simply must have at home.

Development trends blur the boundaries between devices. Smartphones are becoming computers in our pockets. You can connect phones to a display and wireless keyboard to create a computer-like work environment. The same applies to tablets. Even the latter enable "desktop" mode and quickly turn into "virtual" computers - a kind of amphibian. And so suddenly there is a place where tablets are once again given a place where we can begin to perceive them differently. Especially if the latter are as affordable as, for example, some of the manufacturer's tablets Huawei, whose the price is around 300 euros. And it's this affordability that can tip the scales the next time you're considering your new media consumption device.

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The data in the article are presented based on the results collected until 15 October 2018

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