
All Tesla vehicles will have fully automatic driving (FSD) enabled on a trial basis

Ai behind the wheel

Photo: Unsplash / Cyberbackpack

Tesla is changing the rules of the game with an offer that is too tempting to pass up. Tesla owners who have so far shied away from the $12,000 Full Automatic Driving (FSD) add-on now have an exclusive opportunity to test drive this technological marvel for free. Are you ready for an adventure of the month with your Tesla?

If you're a Tesla owner and have been wondering if the Full Automatic Driving (FSD) add-on is worth the price, now's a unique opportunity to find out for yourself - and it's free. Elon Musk, the visionary and founder of Tesla, shared a piece of news on the X platform that sparked a lot of interest and speculation.

For vehicles that are properly equipped, Tesla is offering a free one-month FSD trial. The move is not only a generous offer from the company to its customers, but also a response to the controversy surrounding the autonomous driving system. An internal Tesla memo obtained by Bloomberg News reveals instructions for employees to install FSD on all vehicles and show owners the system in action.

But why this sudden generosity? Is it a marketing ploy, a response to legal pressure, or perhaps a combination of both? In December 2023, Tesla conducted a large-scale recall of more than two million vehicles due to an update to the Autopilot system software. The update was in response to a lengthy investigation by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that highlighted problems with the Autopilot feature in fully automatic driving.

In the memorandum, Musk expresses the belief that almost no one understands how well the system actually works, and states that familiarizing owners with it is a "strict requirement". The move is indicative of Tesla's efforts to give its customers a better understanding and confidence in the advanced technology they offer.

But there may be another reason for this unusual move that goes deeper into the world of finance and media coverage. Tesla, which has experienced significant stock losses over the past year, is looking for a strong media response to regain the attention of investors and the public. Elon Musk, famous for his instinct for dramatic and often outlandish marketing moves, may be aiming to turn the perception of the Tesla brand around with the FSD free trial. This strategy is not only a response to past controversies, but also an attempt to change the way we perceive cars and artificial intelligence.

By offering a free FSD trial, Tesla is not only responding to the controversy, it's giving owners a first-hand experience of the progress of autonomous driving. This is an opportunity for owners to see for themselves the capabilities of their vehicles and perhaps even reconsider the value that FSD brings to their driving. Whatever the motivation behind the move, it's clear that Tesla is aiming to make its cutting-edge technology accessible to a wider range of people, while improving its relationship with existing customers. As always, time will tell how this strategy will affect the future of autonomous driving.

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