
Andrea Reed: lips as canvas

Art on the lips

Have you ever seen the famous painting 'The Great Wave off Kanagawa' by the Japanese painter Katsushika Hokusai? Probably. But you certainly haven't seen it painted on the lips. At least until now, because that's exactly what makeup artist Andrea Reed did. But she didn't stop there. Tartan lips? Lips like a leaf? Like a honeycomb? The Canadian makeup artist's imagination knows no bounds!

Many artists use the body as their canvas. Andrea Reed, makeup artist, she started her own lips, which turns them into real works of art. Its superiority has already been recognized by many people and on Instagram she quickly earned over 100k followers!

READ MORE: Lipstick through time: 100 years of lipstick trends

When you see her works, you too will become one of them!

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