The way we sleep has always affected the beauty of our body and skin. Quality sleep affects not only health and stable hormones, but also the skin of your face, the appearance of wrinkles and skin hydration.
There are many studies that prove how sleep affects our skin, and the biggest consequences of poor sleep are visible both on the eyelids and the area around the eyes, the skin around the lips and the wrinkles on the face. In addition, when you don't sleep well, the skin on your face ages faster, has a harder time recovering from stress and has a poorer quality. That's why it's important to follow some beauty steps before going to bed.
Cleanse your face before going to sleep
Clean skin is the basis of any care and will allow better absorption of all care products you use, but the most important should be the one that provides hydration, so that the skin regains the water it has lost during the day. It is extremely important that you are before bed clean your face, not only because of makeup, but the face needs to be provided quality cleaning, which will relieve him of impurities and all traces of stress from that day. You can occasionally combine mild exfoliation for deep cleansing.
Photo: Shiny Diamond/Pexels
Skin hydration
Make sure your night skin care product contains moisturizing ingredients, and some experts also advise that you have it on your bedside table always a glass of water. You can also use a night face mask, which will retain moisture in the skin. It is definitely important that the night care contains hydration, you can use the same one that you apply during the day, but it is important to allow the skin to be filled with moisture overnight.
Quality cover and pillow
The key to the quality of facial skin and the appearance of wrinkles and dark circles is the position, in which you sleep. If you don't have a pillow made of quality material, definitely try to sleep on an elevated or back side. A quality pillow will contribute to your "beauty sleep" because it is gentler on the skin, allowing it to breathe and not damaging it. They are ideal silk pillows, as they reduce the possibility of skin irritation, as well as the appearance of wrinkles.
Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels
Sleep a full 8 hours
Just like our body, the amount of sleep is important for our skin. For hormonal balance you need a full eight hours of sleep. It's the most natural way to balance the hormones that are vital to the balance of your whole body, and your face will thank you for it.