The current events in the world have caused an increase in nervousness and fear in many - especially those who have previously had problems with anxiety. However, there is no need to suffer in silence or try to bury your feelings. We have prepared for you 6 ways to deal with anxiety due to what is happening in the world.
1. Don't feel guilty about your feelings
Because the war is not happening on our soil, perhaps for his own fear and pain you feel guilty. Nothing bad is happening to you, so they are no sense, right? Well, not at all it's not like that.
You need to understand that on your feelings you have no influence and that they in no way mean that you are selfish– research even shows that people with anxiety disorders have more developed empathy and that their nervousness it also comes from their awareness the pain of others. If, in addition to anxiety, you will also struggle with guilt, you will make it worse, so it is imperative that you allow to feel.
2. Talk about your feelings
You will also make the situation worse if your feelings you bury and suffer in silence. Therefore, it is necessary to about them speak up and your fears share with your loved ones. That's how you'll realize that you are not the only one, who feel fear.
Humans are social creatures and connecting with the rest, it will not only reach that it is ours luck even bigger - it will help us in those too the most difficult moments.
3. Focus on the here and now
If you are prone to anxiety, you may notice that when things are going on in the world, you think about the worst possible situation, which can develop. You must have such thoughts recognize and se focus on moment here and now.
Remember that bad situations make us they won't hurt any less, if we are in of fear lived before them before- opposite. If you allow yourself, yes feel the happy moments, you will have memories of them helped, so that you will be strong if unwanted situations do occur.
4. Make sure you live a healthy life
Psyche and body they are tight connected. If you don't sleep enough and poor quality, you are eating unhealthy, you are for work burned out… this will increase feelings of anxiety.
So make it your lifestyle healthy and balanced. A day, an adult needs 8 hours of sleep, 2 liters of water and enough nutrients. We also suggest that you make sure that you take care of regular physical activity.
5. Don't be afraid to talk to a professional
Many people still live in the mistaken belief that talk with a psychologist it means there is something wrong with them wrong. However, this is far from the truth - experts are here to help us they help and us they relieve the mind, which prevent us from living a normal life and feeling emotions.
That's why you shouldn't be there fear or shame, that you are seek help. Just one conversation with a person who works with anxiety and other mental disorders qualified, can do a lot.
6. Take a break from the news
Of course, it is important that we are at least approximately aware of what is happening in the world up to date. And yet: if you notice that you constant reading of the news puts in fear and works for you nervous, we assure you that you can a break you take completely without a bad conscience. The time you would spend reading is then spent spending quality time with the closest ones and their own hobbies.