
Are you in love or in love? The difference is huge!

What is love? What is infatuation? These two concepts are quite difficult to understand and define. Everyone interprets them in their own way. The question of whether you are in love or in love is still crucial, because the difference between these two concepts, even though they are elusive to operationalization, is still huge!

Are you in love or in love? The difference is huge! At the outset, of course, we must admit that there are definitions of both infatuation and love loose and that each of us is often under these two concepts represents something of its own. Therefore, it is difficult to say exactly where the difference between these two concepts lies. In certain cases, however, we can explain why these two concepts are so different.

When we are in love, we are strongly influenced hormones – then our world revolves around that person and our whole being draws us to it. Our everyday life is colored by the fact that this person exists somewhere and often it is difficult to concentrate on anything else. Our emotions are strong then, and anyone who has experienced falling in love will probably agree that it goes for one of the most beautiful feelings in this world.

When we are in love, we are drawn to that person.
When we are in love, we are drawn to that person.

The downside of falling in love is, yes inevitably passes. And the rift between the wonderful feeling of being in love and the decline of those otherworldly feelings can be overwhelming for many couples scary. However, in between, there is room for the two of you (again) to be even closer binds love. Love is different from being in love less intense emotion, but also deeper. To achieve it, we often have to put some effort into the relationship, it does not come as sent from heaven.

So is love more permanent emotion and necessarily walks hand in hand with devotion. It can throw us out of love as quickly as we entered it, but love can withstand many trials.

Love is also a feeling of commitment to another.
Love is also a feeling of commitment to another.

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