
Are you ready for miracles? A 10-minute exercise that will completely rejuvenate you!

Inverted candle

Photo: envato

Imagine being able to reduce stress, improve sleep and take care of your health with a simple exercise that only requires a wall and a few minutes of your time. Does it sound amazing?

Meet the inverted candle, also known as Viparita Karani, an ancient yogic technique that brings incredible benefits to your body and mind.

At a time when stress, rushing and constant accessibility are becoming a constant in our everyday life, we are looking for ways to quickly achieve relaxation and calming of the mind and bodies. One of the simple but very effective ways that can bring many benefits to our physical and mental health is practicing yoga.

Among the various yogic positions, Frhumming candle (Viparita Karani), which can be performed with the help of a wall.

What is an inverted candle?

Inverted Candle, also known as Viparita Karani in Sanskrit, is a yoga position where we lie on our back with our legs up against the wall. This inverted position is one of the most relaxing asanas as it allows the body to relax while gravity helps blood circulation. Viparita Karani is accessible to almost anyone, regardless of age or fitness level, and can be practiced almost anywhere.

Burnt candle. Photo: Thirdman / Pexels

How to execute an inverted candle?

You only need a few simple steps to perform an inverted candle:

1. Preparation of the room: Find a quiet place against a wall where you can get comfortable. It is recommended that you place a yoga mat or a thick towel under it for extra comfort.

2. Body position: Sit sideways against a wall, then turn around and lie on your back while lifting your legs against the wall. The arms should be relaxed next to the body, palms facing up.

3. Comfort and relaxation: Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Try to relax all the muscles in your body. Focus on your breathing and feeling relaxed.

4. Persistence in position: Stay in this position for 10 to 15 minutes. If you are uncomfortable, you can bend your knees a little or support your hips with a pillow.

Benefits for the body

Improved blood circulation

One of the biggest physical benefits of an inverted candle is improved blood circulation. Because the legs are elevated above the heart, gravity helps to return blood back to the heart, which reduces pressure on the veins and helps prevent varicose veins. This position is especially beneficial for people who stand or sit a lot during the day.

Reduction of swelling and inflammation

The inverted candle also helps in reducing swelling and inflammation in the lower extremities. By allowing fluid to flow more easily from the legs to the heart, it can help relieve symptoms of edema and other inflammatory conditions.

Yoga. Photo: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

Relief of the spine

Viparita Karani is an excellent way to de-stress the spine as gravity allows the pressure on the intervertebral discs to be released. This position is especially beneficial for people with chronic back pain or those who sit a lot.

Relaxation and stress reduction

An inverted candle is great for relaxation and stress reduction. This position activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxing and regenerating the body. While the body relaxes, the mind calms down, helping to reduce anxiety and stress.

Improving sleep

Regularly performing an inverted candle can help you sleep better. By helping to relax the body and mind, this position can facilitate the transition to a deeper, more restful sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, try an upside-down candle for a few minutes before bed.

Meditation. Photo: Yankrukov / Pexels

Who should avoid the inverted candle?

Although the inverted candle is very beneficial, it is not suitable for everyone. People with certain medical conditions such as severe spine problems, glaucoma or high blood pressure, should consult a doctor before performing this exercise. It is also important that they avoid the position if they feel pain or discomfort during the exercise.

This technique is accessible to almost anyone and can be done we perform almost anywhere, which makes it ideal for anyone looking for a quick and effective way to relax and rejuvenation body and spirit.

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