
Artburo: Hand-painted iconic Hermès handbags

Exclusive Artburo handbags

Artburo, a Ukrainian fashion brand based in Kyiv that offers exclusive painted Hermès handbags, is a beautiful proof that art and fashion can be very closely related. See artworks that wealthy clients are buying for $4K and up.

Artburo is a Ukrainian fashion brand that was created with the aim of bringing to the market something fresh, not yet seen, but still within the range of luxury goods, such as prestigious Hermès bag. An interesting company to its customers, among whom are famous celebrities, allows them to select 'custom' artwork which skilled artists then apply to their 'Kelly', 'Birkin' or whatever Hermès bag. Irina Shayk decorated hers with her name, Kanye West chose the motif of their daughter Noth for the motif of the handbag he gave to his Kim, and Lady Gaga and Rita Ora also embellished their handbags at Artburo. To make one decorated handbags it is necessary to wait up to five weeks, and the price of the unique painting reflects, among other things, the high quality of the Italian colors used for the painting, as we will deduct at least 4 thousand US dollars for a unique handbag.

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